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Light loom upgrade

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Hi, just brought one of the upgrade looms off 1989g60 bloke on the bay.

Got a bit stuck on wiring it in though, mayb i'm just being a retard though.

Ok before I explain when I talk about the car loom side or the headlight side it means i've cut the wires and i.e one half is from the car loom and the other half is the bit sticking out the back of the headlight plug.


I've got a 2relay upgrade, so one for dip and one for main.

So far i've

Connected the live and earth to the batt.

Located both main beam wires (white), cut them and attached the headlight side to the new loom (pre labelled)

Located both dip wires (greyey), cut them and attached the headlight side to the new loom (also pre lablelled)

Located the switch wire (yellow/black) cut it an attached to the prelabelled new loom, guessing I needed the car loom side

Still no lights

I do have a spare wire coming off one relay which is the same leg as the other labeled switch wire, mayb the switch wire has to go to both?


I'm guessing I must have the switch wire a tad wrong or something, as there is nothing telling the relay to come on, seeing as the is a live and earth going to each relay direct from the batt now.

From what i've read the dip/main is sorted out within the headlight units, but the still needs to be something from the dip/main stalk inside the car to change it over.


Any help would be welcome, have e-mailed the guy but not got back to me yet



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when you cut the existing live feed to a headlight to connect it up to the relay, you need to use the wiring loom side of the cut wire as the switching feed to the relay, if you have one relay doing both sides then obviously the power output from the relay needs to go to both headlights, you don't need to use both of the existing loom wires as the switching feeds though, one will do.


you also need to disconnect the big resistor (yellow wires) by the battery (on a 16v at least) as this provides dim dip on the original VAG loom and will cause your relay to trip to dip beam with just sidelights on if you leave it connected.


work with just dip to start with and one relay, then it's the same process for main beam, keeps things simpler. Obviously the dip relay needs a switching feed from the old dip feed part of the loom and the other relay (main) needs one of the main beam feeds for it's switch.

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