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marmite monster

rubbish brakes on my auto vr6?? and box??

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got a late spec auto vr6 corrado just been out for a pre mot blast in it and the brakes are rubbish no power in them at all. could not get the abs to kick in even on a slightly wet road thats how weak they are.

any idears?


also am i right in thinking that auto vr6 boxes wont let you rev the car until it has reached a specific temprature or somthing? if so what is it. because when i first get in the car for the first 10 mins or so it wont kick down any gears when you floor it.

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Brakes are rubbish anyway. You can upgrade with Mk4 Gti items.


Could be yours need a good bleed though if they have nothing at al.



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Yeah the brakes are poo, but when was the last time the brake fluid was changed and bled? Brake fluid absorbs water from the atmosphere (hygroscopic) which makes the brakes less efficient. There are also about 6 different places to bleed from, so make sure all these are done otherwise you'll be putting your foot to the floor. (as I found out about 12 hrs before I was due to leave for the 'Ring!)


The abs should have kicked in, or you should have been able to lock up the wheels if it wasn't, if you still have trouble get a brake efficiency test done at a local garage.


As my esteemed colleague above has said, go for an upgrade to 288mm on the fronts from a later Mk3 Golf onwards. The rears sometimes bind so it may be a good idea to swap them for some Mk4 callipers.


Dunno about the box, but I think fla had one up until recently, maybe drop him a line?

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yeah the original brakes can be old by now, mine were pretty buggered when i got it, pistons kept seizing up etc. so upgraded them all

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The auto box wont let you drop gears (in kickdown) until temp is up to about 70C. You can of course overide it amnually, but that will give your box so serious punishment. Its not the most efficient box, but its ok when its all warmed up nicely. I cahnged the fluid and filter on mine, plus cleaned up the solenoids when i had it apart and it ran loads better.

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If you want some stainless hoses to stop the flex in the old rubber items that reduce braking power - let me know as I've got a set available!

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