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love the C, but need to sort it out

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On sunday i decided to clean the throttle body, but couldnt get on the the studs out, so i took the whole manifold, while i had the manifold off the car i attempted to remover to stuck stud, Again it wouldnt budge :mad2: , so i decided to leave it be and do my best to clean the throttle body on the manifold.

Got it respectably clean and put it back on the car, while i was there i cleaned the ISV out.

The car started wihtout any problems :shock: , went out that night and drove beautifully, but on the way home it started playing up lossing power and wouldnt go anywhere unless i put my foot down :scratch: .

Monday morning i started the car no probs, drove off the drive no probs, 5 mins up the road NO POWER AGAIN, had to pull over in a bus stop, the engine was nearly stalling and hunting away :censored: , turned it off, and started again no probs, managed to get it back home.

Not sure if it has anything to do with what i done because it drove fine and what not just after the cleaning.

Any ideads would be great :notworthy:

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im presuming you have either that 2l or the 1.8... there are 3 wires underneath the throttle body, make sure they are plugged in correctly and are not broken. Also try just unplugging the ISV and drive it, see how it goes, if its still playing up you can cross that off you list

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Yeah its a 2.0, tried unplugging the ISV made little or no difference, while check to see if the 3pin connector is ok, if not that what else would it be :help: :brickwall:

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Yeah its a 2.0, tried unplugging the ISV made little or no difference, while check to see if the 3pin connector is ok, if not that what else would it be :help: :brickwall:


have you made sure the injectors are in properly, nice and tight? i would retrack what you did, if you accidentally knocked anything and thought "ill jus put this back and then ill sort that".


does it do anything weird on idle? or is it just when driving?

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when it idles it very lumpy, sometime when i rev it, lift of the pedal its still revs for a split second(like its draggin in to much air), and will either stall oir struggle to stay on. :nuts:

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does sound to me like the wires behind the throttle body have come off or have broken. mine used to idle at around 2k in traffic and judder when the wires came out but to be honest with a corrado you never know. have you given the spark plugs a look? might be worth inspecting them

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Also check that you have put the 2 small hoses back on to the underside of the rubber thingy that joins onto the throttle body........i too had a nightmare trying to get those allan studs out.......had to order new ones from vw as they were destroyed in the process


Good Luck :D

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1.Vaccum pipes

2.all Conectors

3.throttle cable

4.ISV cables

5.plugs/leads are on tight from injectors and coil.



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ok, just had a little fiddle and found that the car will run (not smooth) and wont stall when i unplug the 2 pin temp sensor, but it can smell unburnt fuel, i replace this sensor about a month ago (not vw).

could it be the switch itself or something else??

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