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VR6 Coolant Pressure (Blowing hoses)

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I have a K reg Vr6 running reasonable coolant temps (below 100) and usually the same for oil under normal driving/weather conditions.

The other evening i was driving her when i could smell coolant coming through vents. What happened is that the top hose had blown off the rad neck completely and dumped all my coolant all over the car!

My rad neck flange isn’t in good nik anyway with half the length of the straight pipe broken off, so I wasn’t that surprise when this happened. But after refilling system (with water) and allowing to self bleed, I noticed that the coolant pressure is running much to high. The hoses are actually bulging, quite a bit aswell. I know that the Expansion cap allows the system to vent pressure if it gets soo high. But i replaced the thing a year ago.


The other thing is my aux pump.

About a month ago a leak spouted from the Aux pump seal, so i replaced it with a new bosch one. When fitting it it came to my notice that this one made a noise...... 'Oh ok this one actually works then'.... So basically i realised that my aux pump has been deadf or probably the whole year i had owned the car! Not good

Again, since refilling the coolant and running car, it looks like this one has packed up as well! :brickwall:

I know that its function is to assist cooling of rear bank of cylinders so possible cause maybe a warped head blowing into coolant or something? But the engined running great. No mayo, no oil in water

Im gonna have the pump out tonight hopefully and check that theres no debris in the impellar. Can only hope!

Does anyone know if the pump is switched with a relay in the fuse box or something?


Anybody else had this, experienced problem similar.? Share the wealth.

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Worst case - you have a head gasket failed, cylinder to water jacket. This does tend to make the coolant run hot though. I'd look at getting a sniffer test done to check that there's no exhaust gasses in the coolant.

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