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Sticky steering help.

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Hi, again i have a problem i cant figure out myself. My steering when doing a tight left or right turn at low speeds is really stiff and at points it sticks and wont let me turn then it will turn then sticks again, it has had a recently new power steering belt and its not rubbing on the arches, Would it be the power steering pump not working properly at low speed/revs could it not be getting enough power to it? not sure how it works but really need to get it sorted as im sick of pulling into the next door neighbours drive because mine wont turn in time then having to reverse out and back in again. Anyway thanks Guys any ideas or help would be greatly appriciated. Andy :help: :brickwall:

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if the belt isn't slipping and squeeling then make sure there's no leaks along the hoses and check the fluid level in the reservoir

it could be the pump, the valves insode them can stick and the little gauze filer in them clog, or it could be the rack that's at fault, the valves can stick on them and give intermittent assistance.

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