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Anyone got a detailed pic of the oil filter housing (VR6)

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When I dissasembled the oil filter housing I of course forgot to take pics, so if anyone happen to have a detailed picture which shows what sensors hoes into what hole - and maybe also displaying the wires (without the rubber covering it), that would be really appreciated.


Tried searching here and google - but no one seem detailed enough :(

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sorry i don't know which way the sensors go but i do have a pic. blue goes to the left side (looking from the front to the rear of the car) and yellow on the right. you will know if its wrong straight away because the oil pressure light will start flashing like a madman straight away. can upload the pic if you want?

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that was literally a few seconds after we had finished putting the engine back in. one of the best feelings in the world!!! also one of the one things i never ever want to do again, putting a full VR6 engine and box in without a crane

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Any idea if there is any difference in which place the sensors goes in ? (don't have the car here I'm at now, so can't remember if it was colors on the sensors itselfe).

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thnx, don't have the same but I think I figured it out :)


(I'v got a big "lump" sticking out from a "Y" under one of the sensors), but I think that is supposed to be on the right on the pic, with a blue sensor on top. :)

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