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Interior retrim quote...

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Here's the script...


I have three 60 square ft leather hides, the leather is top quality and is supplied to the likes of MJ amongst others. Lets say I could supply this leather to a retrimmer along with a readily stripped rear bench/rear cards and the front seats/door cards.


Does 1k sound reasonable to complete the job if im supplying the leather? I only ask as i've never had a retrim before, and obviously never had one done where i've already got the leather.



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9 years ago i had seats and doorcards done, they came to my house,stripped interior out, a week later brought it back,and fitted it ! It cost me a grand !

As your supplying the hides, you will be only paying for labour, my guesstimate would be about £500

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Eek...I should probably mention that the quote was actually from MJ, who i suppose are regarded as one of the best in the Vw scene at least. Im a little undecided on whether or not to go ahead with it really, fallen out with the car lately but it would sort of get it 'that bit' more finished off and possibly get me buzzing about it again...


But it will hardly add any real value will it? Unless i ever sell it or sell the car on e38 maybe? That's not the reason for having it done of course, but it's a lot of cash that you don't get to see again.

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Nah...No recaros. I've never really known the difference if im honest? Do they have much bigger bolsters?


I have the black/purple fleck front seats at the moment, and the retrim i have planned should look quite good with some embroidery thrown in too.

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It sounds like main question should be: What do you want from your interior ?


By this I mean:


Do you want something that is going to be used everyday and not worry about marking it and the general wear associated ?


Leather is a much cosseted addition but is cold in winter (unless heated) and can get very hot and sometimes uncomfortable in summer. Personally I've had all combos of cloth/Recaro/leather at some point and although the leather can be a warm place to be in summer, for the amount I use the car the trade off is worth it.


Perhaps it's worth finding another member locally that has Recaro and ask for a go. I would never had fully appreciated the difference in support that a Recaro offers over a std Corrado seat unless I had sat in one first.


In regards to cost. Realistically, how long do you expect to keep the car ? I know it sounds like a daft question but if you plan to keep it for at least four/five years then maybe for the enjoyment value it would be worth it.


If the cost is still at the back of your mind then buy a cheap second hand interior and keep it stored incase you decide to sell the car. Like you said, you may never re-coup the cost of a re-trim but selling it seperately would see you making more of it back.


Just my thoughts, but at the end of the day it's your money/Corrado.


Hope this helps

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Aye, cheers for the input James.


The car is used for work (Company car) every day on 6-9 short journeys, but im quite anal so it would definately be looked after. Im not one of these fat gits that slumps over the bolster when getting in the car, im always careful. Ideally id love half leather for the hot/cold thing you mention, but ive come up with a photoshop design in full leather that looks superb. I don't think half leather would quite cut it as far as looks go.


I was planning to convert the seats to heated too, id do this before passing them onto the trimmers.


I've had the Corrado for 5+ years now and although i keep falling out with it, I don't think ill ever sell it...maybe, maybe not. :lol:

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Are there any other suggested retrimmers in the north that anyone can recommend?


Cheers, Neil.

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not a suggestion really, but ifound leather was a pain in the a*se in the golf g60, constantly fighting to stay on the seat.


depends how much of a nob you drive like i guess really

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I know what you mean mate... 8)


I don't drive like i used to so should be fine. 8) Im 3/4 decided on going for it, Just need the rear bench and trim back in there tbh at the least! My rear bench/cards are in bits with no material at the moment...long story.

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Are there any other suggested retrimmers in the north that anyone can recommend?


Cheers, Neil.


last year i got bored and asked "transcal" to quote me a price for a complete new interior for my G60. I was quoted about £1200 to do the whole car!!! and that included a bespoke leather design to my own spec! I was having two tone leather with "G60" Inscribed on the seats and they were throwing that in and all. They are a very good company and do alot of leather trim for big car manufacturers.


Dont know if they would use the leather you have but even if they didnt you could probably sell the hides you have to help fund the interior?


The one thing they did say though is that because they dont have the template for a corrado they would either need to buy one from VAG (expensive i recon) or very carefully remove and copy the existing material. Either way they said that would cost extra... and they wouldn't give me a price for that until they knew i was making the order :shrug:

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Cheers mate :salute: Guessing this would be the guys.


I thought that most retrimmers actually removed the material to make templates from anyway?...maybe i have that wrong. I suppose i could sell the leather, it retails at £280 a hide :eek: I have 3 of one colour and 3 of another.

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Cheers mate :salute: Guessing this would be the guys.


I thought that most retrimmers actually removed the material to make templates from anyway?...maybe i have that wrong. I suppose i could sell the leather, it retails at £280 a hide :eek: I have 3 of one colour and 3 of another.


Yep thats them, they have a very good reputation. Theres a few ppl on here who have used them i think and there haven't been any horror stories i know of.

on the phone they told me that if they could they would rather use the manufactures templates that are printed to scale to cut round, i think this is because over time (esspecialy on older cars) the existing trim warps and tears and is also difficult to remove without damaging.


Makes sense if you think about it. But as i said, they rely on the OEM templates only if they can get them. And they have a large stock of current model templates, just not rados.


Yeah, i knew that stuff was expensive. I actually asked transcal if i could buy a hide off them and they told me about the same price. If you sell all the hide you could probably pay for the entire car to be fitted without spending a penny :grin:

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Cool, thanks for the info mate 8)


More company's i know about the better really, to get some more quotes etc.



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Sod off :wave:










:lol: :wink:


Im sure there is somewhere in Blackpool too, but i just can't remember the bloody name. Anyone?

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Sod off :wave:










:lol: :wink:


Im sure there is somewhere in Blackpool too, but i just can't remember the bloody name. Anyone?


Harsh but fair :D

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Sod off :wave:










:lol: :wink:


Im sure there is somewhere in Blackpool too, but i just can't remember the bloody name. Anyone?


Harsh but fair :D

if you don't ask you don't get ! :lol:

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:lol: The interior is a bit of a story, even though i haven't got it done yet. Currently stands me at a good few months waiting and £800 quid! Plus ive lost my back seats and cards after an incident. All sounds strange i know...



DB Cartrim in Blackpool



Don`t know anything about them though :D


That's the one, cheers mate. 8)

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