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G60 Won't start?!

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Hey guys,


New to the posting but have been reading up on the forums alot, although this problem has me stumped.


Drove the car last night, bought some axl stands and when i came out it would not start? its not cranking but the fuel pump does prime?


I though either immobliser or Starter? battery seems fine, plus have changed it for a 'known' good one and still, nothing :(


Changed the starter today, still same old problem, this is how i wired the starter up;


red live : washer : earth : nut? with the live 'connector'? also connected to its plug, seems right to me but may have missed something.


it has a scorpian alarm, but that seems to work fine, lock, unlocked and all that jazz.


do you think its a relay/fuse problem?


also the very right yellow connector next to the battery is connected, but the wires that go to the tube looking thing next to that is snapped off, would this stop the car starting?


Love the G, and so did the recovery man last night but we both agreed it would be much better if it actually started.


PS, we bumped it last night and it all fired up fine?


PPS its also very low on fuel, but this wouldn't have anything to do with it would it, its didn't run out or run dry?


anyone who could help is welcomed, beer tokens available :D


Thanks, Pete.

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Ignition switch - especially if it's an original white plastic one - have you tried 'jiggling' the key around?


To test take off the red black wire to the starter soleniod, with the key in the 'crank' position you should see 12V down this wire. If you don't then it's either the switch or a wiring issue usually related to an aftermarket alarm / imob

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well might it be the immobilisor??? cause that sounds similar to me. i popped into my folks house to say hi. came out and couldnt start my car. the fuel pump primed but nothing after that. so i cut the immobilisor out. only 3 cables one to the switch and another to the crank but cannot remember the other one. but it started first time after that. get a dianostics done if ur not to sure.

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^^ thanks,


Although i have fixed this just :camp:


turned out it was the king lead, either wasn't attached properly, must have worked its way out...?


does that explain why it was also fine once jumped?


so basically bought a starter for no reason, at least i know that's all sorted.


Just gotta get it all back tomorrow as the lights have dimmed :(


might be worth checking for other people who can't start there car, i was almost convinced it was immob. related or as you mentions, ignition barrel, although it usually starts on the button and i had gave it a jiggle and few hard turns.


crisis over for now, though i can see how you could easily have chucked $$$ at the car and you would been none the wiser,to :lol:

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