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HELP! Fan probs

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My fan has started going crazy on me....while stationary the fan kicks in and spins incredibly fast and sends a deep shudder throughout the car.......continues after switching the engine off until the fan shuts off.....any ideas guys? faulty fan switch or even faulty fan?

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Fan blades are out of balance. there should be some little metal weights on them IIRC. Check that it's bolted in securely and none of the blades are damaged.

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had a look on the fan and there dont seem to be any weights on the blades, the fan itself seems pretty secure theres a slight amount of play but nothing too serious....took the car to a mechanic and he said the motor might be burning out, is this possible or is he tryna rip me off?.

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had a look on the fan and there dont seem to be any weights on the blades, the fan itself seems pretty secure theres a slight amount of play but nothing too serious....took the car to a mechanic and he said the motor might be burning out, is this possible or is he tryna rip me off?.


Well, I guess the fan would have a bearing which could be going? I'm not sure about ripping you off, a new fan (non OEM) is about £30 and if it's a 16V you can change it yourself in about 15 minutes (less if the bolts come off easy).

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it seems to be getting worse now, started squealing and sounds like the fan is knocking against something aswell as there is a slight tapping sound, im just thinking completely new fan

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