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oil cooler issues on a VR6

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Hi all. I've had a major problem occur with my darling VR6. Having lost !! approximately 5ltrs of engine oil over a trip of about 250 miles and following numerous top ups I have finally managed to track down the leak. However what I cannot seem to be able to find out from anywhere is how to remove the actual oil cooler unit ( which has a leak of massive proportions behind it ). I have got as far as being able to remove the oil filter unit but I cannot figure out what to do next.

HELP Please


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Hi Michael. Sorry to hear that. TBH its not too difficult, just a little timeconsuming. You will need to remove the front bumper and slam panel. Both are strtaightforward, athough the slam panel has about 14 bolts that need removing. You'll also need to remove th radiator.

You will then need to drain the coolant from the crack pipe, the black plastic pipe running across the front of the engine block.

Once these are off, you'll see the oil cooler cap - its has a 22mm (iirc) bolt on it. Its not done up too tight as there are two seals one on the cap the other on the cooler against the block. If anything I would imagine the o-ring on the block-side of the oil cooler will have failed.


I suppose you could also try just reaching the head of the oil cooler from the top of the engine behind the radiator with a socket and tightening it a little :shrug:

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Hi Fla

Many thanks for that info. I had a feeling that it was the 22mm cap that I was to try to undo but I wanted to be sure before I inflicted any more damage or expense !!


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