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amending dials for lcd screens

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I've attached the Dials printout Andi made some years back. Just wondering if anyone can put the shape of the rectangles in to them where the two lcd displays sit. I hahve these printed in black (as i dont like the white), but the problem is lining up and cutting out the slots for the screens. This time i want to print them on acetate. TIA.

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there was a guy on edition 38 and maybe a saab forum a while back that could do amazing things to the dials looked absolutly wicked if anybody here could do similar id be up for a set...... or even if it was just posted so you could make your own?


all i know is i cant do it!! lol

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Have you got a better version of the image? Ie as a vector image? im in the process of doing my own and ive got it all as an illustrator file. I can put the LCD sections in for you though the only thing is that on the speedo the 160 is in the wrong place. Ill upload it anyway and ill also show you mine. The biggest issue with this is finding the right quality paper/sheet to print it on, i tried using matt photo paper and it comes out really well but it picks up greasy marks and scratches easily. The next hardest bit is cutting the LCD panels out without it looking tacky. The best thing about printing it out like this yourself is that being on white paper/sheet it reacts really well to a UV light so no need to buy expensive EL paper and invertors (which was how i was going to do it in the end).


I had to move the 160 mark obviously and you'd need a better image before you can use it (you cant print this version as its not high quality)


2.8l 24v Climatronic system.pdfUntitled-1.jpg[/attachment:3jw4dz1y]


Here's mine (sorry about the watermarks) they look very much like the DDI dials at the moment but im still playing around with other ideas



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this is what im talking about!!



sounds weird but can you do like a retro style one??


kinda real old skool i mean real old skool....vintage bad boy


there are other styles im interested in to like duke box theme those types of colours and design double tubes around edge or something??

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Have you got a better version of the image? Ie as a vector image? im in the process of doing my own and ive got it all as an illustrator file. I can put the LCD sections in for you though the only thing is that on the speedo the 160 is in the wrong place. Ill upload it anyway and ill also show you mine. The biggest issue with this is finding the right quality paper/sheet to print it on, i tried using matt photo paper and it comes out really well but it picks up greasy marks and scratches easily. The next hardest bit is cutting the LCD panels out without it looking tacky. The best thing about printing it out like this yourself is that being on white paper/sheet it reacts really well to a UV light so no need to buy expensive EL paper and invertors (which was how i was going to do it in the end).


I had to move the 160 mark obviously and you'd need a better image before you can use it (you cant print this version as its not high quality)


2.8l 24v Climatronic system.pdfUntitled-1.jpg[/attachment:wlexn2zm]


Here's mine (sorry about the watermarks) they look very much like the DDI dials at the moment but im still playing around with other ideas




many thanks for that - sorry i dont ahve any other images, these were actually redesigned by Admin (andi) so i cant take any credit for them. However, i did get them reversed ie white on a black background (like yours). Would you be able to tweak these at all? as you will have gathered, i'm not much of a software geek!

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this is what im talking about!!



sounds weird but can you do like a retro style one??


kinda real old skool i mean real old skool....vintage bad boy


there are other styles im interested in to like duke box theme those types of colours and design double tubes around edge or something??


If you can find me some sample images (themed images) then i can work something up for you, it should be fairly simple now as i can use mine as a template. I had to massacre my old (early) dials to get the marks in the right places, but i didnt need them anyway :lol:


many thanks for that - sorry i dont ahve any other images, these were actually redesigned by Admin (andi) so i cant take any credit for them. However, i did get them reversed ie white on a black background (like yours). Would you be able to tweak these at all? as you will have gathered, i'm not much of a software geek!


What i'll do is remake the whole thing for you but in the exact style used here but ill make it as a vector image so it can be resized etc but i will save it as a pdf (which will be the correct size) so it can just be printed out onto your choice of backing material :)

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this is what im talking about!!



sounds weird but can you do like a retro style one??


kinda real old skool i mean real old skool....vintage bad boy


there are other styles im interested in to like duke box theme those types of colours and design double tubes around edge or something??


If you can find me some sample images (themed images) then i can work something up for you, it should be fairly simple now as i can use mine as a template. I had to massacre my old (early) dials to get the marks in the right places, but i didnt need them anyway :lol:



What i'll do is remake the whole thing for you but in the exact style used here but ill make it as a vector image so it can be resized etc but i will save it as a pdf (which will be the correct size) so it can just be printed out onto your choice of backing material :)


I love the way you say that as if it was just like lighting a cigerette. I'd be footering around for days while strangling the mouse and headbutting the monitor

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this is what im talking about!!



sounds weird but can you do like a retro style one??


kinda real old skool i mean real old skool....vintage bad boy


there are other styles im interested in to like duke box theme those types of colours and design double tubes around edge or something??


If you can find me some sample images (themed images) then i can work something up for you, it should be fairly simple now as i can use mine as a template. I had to massacre my old (early) dials to get the marks in the right places, but i didnt need them anyway :lol:


many thanks for that - sorry i dont ahve any other images, these were actually redesigned by Admin (andi) so i cant take any credit for them. However, i did get them reversed ie white on a black background (like yours). Would you be able to tweak these at all? as you will have gathered, i'm not much of a software geek!


What i'll do is remake the whole thing for you but in the exact style used here but ill make it as a vector image so it can be resized etc but i will save it as a pdf (which will be the correct size) so it can just be printed out onto your choice of backing material :)


thanks a bundle :) Would you also be able to do this as white text on a black background?

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ok after starting to alter the file that you gave me ive noticed that some of the positions are slightly out, ie the speedo marks and the rev counter marks are different, i dont know how andi did his in the first place but i'm pretty sure mine are as accurate as you can get doing it yourself but i'll double check it again against my massacred dials (they were from an early valver) so i dont know if he did his against a VR6 or a G60....




DUE TO THE NATURE OF INACCURATE MATCHES OF THE TWO IMAGES I HAVE MADE IT TO THE SAME LOCATIONS AS ANDI'S AS THE VR6 DIALS SEEMS TO BE SLIGHTLY DIFFERENT (sorry about the caps but i need that to be noted as i dont want them to be used and be inaccurate)


IF ANYONE ELSE WANTS SOMETHING LIKE THIS DONE THEY NEED TO LET ME KNOW IS THIERS IS A G60, VR6 or Valver (i would need to have access to the dials so i can double check my alignment, i can probably get access to VR6 dials but the G60 might be a bit harder) Unless anyone can tell me if the dials are the same (position wise etc, obviously temp and petrol are the same)


Edit: Image uploaded; I have also had to use slightly different fonts as I couldn't find the originals used, however if you happen across any decent fonts then please let me know.


I have also double checked (by printing out) my dials against the originals (on the Valver) and they match up.


(i cannot upload the pdf as it is too large but here is the image preview, the pdf is needed for printing and can be sent via email or other)


Fla [VR6 Template].jpg[/attachment:2wtagvfe]

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that does look good, BUT might look even better with the font you've used on your dials 8)

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Hi Jason,


Would you like me to pop round over the weekend (if my car is back from the sprayer) so you can take a look at my dials?



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Hi mate could you email me some dials for my g60,and what type of paper do you print it on thanks.


Its not that simple lol, you'll need to provide me with ideas for how you want them to look, i also need to know the positions of the dials, ive got 16v 2.0 7000rpm version and i think the VR6 version.


I am however going to assume that, after looking at the DDI website, the G60 dials are the same as the VR6 (as listed on their site) So once you can provide me with a little inspiration i can do whatever you want :D

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that does look good, BUT might look even better with the font you've used on your dials 8)


I COULD do....but then mine wouldn't be unique, i can find one that very similar, or can find another font altogether


P.S sorry about the late reply :(

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Hi mate could you email me some dials for my g60,and what type of paper do you print it on thanks.


Its not that simple lol, you'll need to provide me with ideas for how you want them to look, i also need to know the positions of the dials, ive got 16v 2.0 7000rpm version and i think the VR6 version.


I am however going to assume that, after looking at the DDI website, the G60 dials are the same as the VR6 (as listed on their site) So once you can provide me with a little inspiration i can do whatever you want :D

I was just looking at the black ones above really nice.My g60 only has up to 7000 revs on it you think they would be the same.Il try and think of something altough im not really good at that type of thing lol.What do you print them on and do the lights shine threw.Thanks for the reply mate.

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Hi mate could you email me some dials for my g60,and what type of paper do you print it on thanks.


Its not that simple lol, you'll need to provide me with ideas for how you want them to look, i also need to know the positions of the dials, ive got 16v 2.0 7000rpm version and i think the VR6 version.


I am however going to assume that, after looking at the DDI website, the G60 dials are the same as the VR6 (as listed on their site) So once you can provide me with a little inspiration i can do whatever you want :D

I was just looking at the black ones above really nice.My g60 only has up to 7000 revs on it you think they would be the same.Il try and think of something altough im not really good at that type of thing lol.What do you print them on and do the lights shine threw.Thanks for the reply mate.


Stock Corrado dials arent reverse lit, so unless you've got a DDI kit or EL paper they'll just be lit from the front (with whatever lighting system you're using) They do however seem to react very well with UV light (i will post up a picture). From testing i have found that the best sheet to print them onto is a matt label sheet (like the ones you you print onto cds) it gives a really good finish and doesnt have any glare, they're also stickybacked which means they can either be fixed to a plastic sheet and added or stuck directly on top of your existing dials. I have also tested matt/satin photo paper but it scratches easily and picks up finger prints so....


I print mine from a normal inkjet printer (epson dx7440) on its best setting (photoenhance)


As i said the G60 dials seem to be exactly the same as the VR6 dials on the DDI website so hopefully someone can confirm this. I can also confirm the positions of the points with Novastrike as he has a VR6 (if he lets me take his car apart obviously :lol: )

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ok after starting to alter the file that you gave me ive noticed that some of the positions are slightly out, ie the speedo marks and the rev counter marks are different, i dont know how andi did his in the first place but i'm pretty sure mine are as accurate as you can get doing it yourself but i'll double check it again against my massacred dials (they were from an early valver) so i dont know if he did his against a VR6 or a G60....




DUE TO THE NATURE OF INACCURATE MATCHES OF THE TWO IMAGES I HAVE MADE IT TO THE SAME LOCATIONS AS ANDI'S AS THE VR6 DIALS SEEMS TO BE SLIGHTLY DIFFERENT (sorry about the caps but i need that to be noted as i dont want them to be used and be inaccurate)


IF ANYONE ELSE WANTS SOMETHING LIKE THIS DONE THEY NEED TO LET ME KNOW IS THIERS IS A G60, VR6 or Valver (i would need to have access to the dials so i can double check my alignment, i can probably get access to VR6 dials but the G60 might be a bit harder) Unless anyone can tell me if the dials are the same (position wise etc, obviously temp and petrol are the same)


Edit: Image uploaded; I have also had to use slightly different fonts as I couldn't find the originals used, however if you happen across any decent fonts then please let me know.


I have also double checked (by printing out) my dials against the originals (on the Valver) and they match up.


(i cannot upload the pdf as it is too large but here is the image preview, the pdf is needed for printing and can be sent via email or other)


Fla [VR6 Template].jpg[/attachment:33aewfz4]



Hi Mate


Ive got an early valver and been looking for some dials with no luck. Is there any chance you can do me set? Just let me know what you want for them and if you can do em i will give you my idea for design. They will be illuminated from the original green light which is there. if UV is better (think i read that somewhere) i will look into getting my lights changed too.

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