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HIGHROLLERZ casino dice dust caps

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well without being off im pretty fed up of this now. keep seeing the bad seller thread come up and to be fair this is the sort of thing that deserves it.


have a word.

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I take it these are no longer available then?



hello there yes they wil be available again, i still have them all in stock i just havent 'really havent' had the time to deal with them :shrug: :camp: , i have taken some time out of work as of tomorrow so i can concentrate on this and some other bits and pieces .....



mimjed , what can i say :brickwall: ................appologies dont quite cut it , so , it has been a while i admit that, i am sorry you will have to pm me your paypal address so i can give a full refund, i have never had the 8 ball in since then either (no excuses its not like i could of sent it to you) i cannot buy them as singles.... i can however either send you a gear knob out of the selection i have F.O.C or another set of dust caps?? if you prefer???


via pm i can give you direct to my phoe e-mail so i can deal with this better for you, but i really have a crap memory so dont feel like your hassling me if im not responding quick enough!


this is the least i can do to add some value to the money you spent out and maybe a little satisfaction on the disgruntled stakes...

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How much for a keyring, set of dust caps and a dipstick all in purple and including p+p? I've seen there has been some problems with delievery before...but I hope that was just a one off as I think the products themselves are fantastic.

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