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How do I change the oil pump on my VR6

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Hi all.

I have an issue with my VR6 concerning the oil pressure warning light and alarm which after a days work on leads me to believe that my oil pump is on the way out !! An early morning start for work was cut short after the oil light and alarm started sounding big time. Having very recently changing the seals on the oil cooler my first thought was **** there goes the oil. However there are no leaks. I therefore pottered off and got a new oil pressure switch fitted the said switch feeling confident that the alarm and light would stay quiet. Oh no off it went at 2k and above!! I did the the wire check as mentioned on one of the forums to confirm that the wiring is sound. As far as I can tell it is. Yellow wire to ground silenced the alarm as suggested.

So now it's the oil pump. Is it as easy to get at as I think ie: remove the sump and there it is ?? or should I blow the expence and get my very good VW garage to have a bash?

Can anyone offer any advice on how I can do it myself as my wallet has taken a severe bashing just recently and more to the point I'm already missing the VR effect !!!


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Is it as easy to get at as I think ie: remove the sump and there it is ??


Yep. Peice of p1ss to change.


Might be worth getting a proper pressure test done just to confirm before splashing out £100 on a new pump.

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Hi Kevhaywire.

Thanks for the comments are you able to give some blow by blow instructions ?

Or is the following correct. Remove the sump ( after emptying the oil ) Undo the oil pump !!! slot the new one in, put the sump back on, refill the oil and fire up the car or are there some little tricks or things that might catch me out.


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thats pretty much it. When was te oil filter changed last? Might just be a base of it being too clogged. The oil pump has an extended shaft that runs up towards teh intermediate shaft in the engine. When you remove the pump just take a little care with this not dropping down.

Also, the oil sump bolts are hex - so be careful when removing these - the two or three near to the deeper part of the sump can be a bit tricky to get out. I'm sure you'll know, but go easy on them, otherwise they'll round off.

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Hi Fla.

Thanks for the heads up with the shaft. The oil filter was changed a week prior to this niggle happening and she had new oil to boot. It all stems from an incident with the oil cooler seals dumping oil over the underside of the car, the road, my drive and garage floor !!!!


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