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Starter solenoid

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Hey hope you can help me with this problem I seem to be having? The last few weeks the car being having a few problems starting. I was at a service station a few weeks ago car was running fine turned the car off for 5 mins then came back to it and it would not turn over left it for 15 mins then it worked started up no problem. Then been having trouble on and off with it not starting then starting 30 mins later. Then about 10 mins ago refused to start so bumped started it and fired into life. Guy who helped me seems to think it the starter motor solenoid? Now does this mean a brand new starter motor? Need to get it fixed this weekend? Is it quite easy to do?



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solenoids get weaker with heat (electro-magnet) so you'll find when they start to give trouble it's when the engine is already hot, sometimes a whack with a hammer in the right spot will encourage them to throw the starter gear out.

You could just swap the solenoid over with a good second hand one, that way you don't need to change the whole starter, or you could buy a recon/exchange new starter and do the whole thing.

chances are most second hand starters will be sold complete, but you could do that and then just use the solenoid, and if you still have no joy then do the bit of extra work changing the whole starter, I wouldn't pay more than 10-20 quid for a good second hand starter though. Obviously new/recon gives you the most piece of mind though.

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Ok car gone the garge to be looked at they have started it loads of times on and off and left it over night and its started everytime.Im now not sure it is the starter I don't want to replace it if it is ok :(

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