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Thermostat & Oil Seal

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Hi all!


I need to change my thermostat and coolant temp sender which I believe is going to involve draining the coolant. I drained and flushed the system about a month ago (I know, shoulda done it at the same time! DOH!). Can I just pour the drained coolant back in when done as its pretty new? Take it I'll need to run it through muslin or something to make sure there's no cack in it? Worth replacing the seal when doing the stat?


Also need to change the oil cooler seal and take the rocker cover off as I think the gasket needs replacing. Not sure when the oil was done last so gonna preempt this and get some to replace. Quantum Silver 10W/40? Or does the 8v prefer something else? Is it worth changing the oil filter at the same time? Again, it doesn't look to have been done for a while but I'm not sure how often these need replacing?


Got parts numbers off vagcat as follows...


Oil Cooler Seal - 038117070A

Oil Filter - 06A115561B


Rocker Gasket - 051103483A


Thermostat - 056121113D

Seal - 038121119B


Anyone confirm if they're correct?


As for the coolant temp sender... forgive my ignorance.. is there more than one?


Also, please feel free to chip in with anything else I should consider while I'm around these areas. Also if any of these jobs is a complete ballache or difficult. Thanks in advance

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sorry can't confirm if they are correct but i would assume if you are taking the rocker cover off you would need a rocker cover gasket/seal not a head gasket.

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sorry can't confirm if they are correct but i would assume if you are taking the rocker cover off you would need a rocker cover gasket/seal not a head gasket.
Indeed, that part number is for the rocker gasket... head gasket was me being a complete tool! Edited post! :bonk:

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when you replace the rocker cover gasket use some silicone on the mating surfaces, then fit the gasket to the head, taking care to ensure the various curves and lips and seated properly. Once you're happy with it, use some silicone on the rocker cover face and carefully fit back. That ways you'll get a perfect seal.


If you just drained the coolant recently, i would filter and reuse it. If you drain it into a white container (i use a 10litre paint bucket) any sediment and crap just settles at the bottom. So you can siphon the top (clean) portion off. Then just top up with a little coolant and water. Use deionised water as it reduces the risk of scale in the coolant circuit.


If the oil hasnt been changed, i'd do 2 changes within about 200 miles of one another to help clean the block out as much as possible.

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fla speaks wise words!


also, yes quantum silver 10/40 should do just fine, and yes, change the oil filter - it's recommended practice to change the oil filter at the same time as every oil change anyway (and they're not expensive!)

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