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VR Starter motor wiring - risk of shorting, please note!

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As i had this issue twice yesterday i thought i'd post it up.


The positive for the starter solenoid is a large flat connector. The feed wire is heavy duty so exerts its own turning moment on teh wire when you fit it. So waht that means is that if you just fit teh connector and tighten it up with that 10mm nut it may be in a dangerous position. This dangerous position is where the insualtion of the connector is in contact with the side of the selector tower when 3rd gear is selected. The tower of course is -ve so you can guess whats going to happen.

Essentially the curved portion of the selector comes into contact with the connector causing a major short. I had some grease on mine and this actually caught fire :shock: :shock: albeit small, but it helped to pinpoint the problem!!


So if you are doing any work on the starter on refitting, please pleaase ensure you pull the positive on teh solenoid towards the front of the car and away from the gear selector tower.

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Thats not what i was referring to - this is shorting only when the car is moving ie changing gears. You wont detect this when refitting. The issue is when third is selected as this then comes into contact with the starter +ve. Hope that clarifies the point.

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