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Strange item in my gearbox

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Hi guysut been

Ever since getting the car the gear selection has been shall we say sloppy and loose. Ben meaning to look at it for a while, so today thought would have a look at it but found a strange item in there :confused4:

First pic am I right in saying its missing a circlip?


Second one are these meant to be floating around?


Lastly what is this?




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Yes you do need a circlip.


The cables etc are supposed to be there but attached to the plastic bracket at the front of the gear lever housing.

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The are supposed to be unattached.


The connectors are for a diagnostic function but only from the factory.


Not sure what the thing with the blue wire is but I am guessing it is an alarm part.

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Have a search mate - the circlip question comes up about once every 6 months, and has done for the last 6 or so years!

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Should just clip on at the end of the shaft mate. There are a few different ones available so make sure your parts guy supplies / supplied the right one for you!

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