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battery problem

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hi all i am on my 4th battery in 4 months,had alternator checked twice and its fine.could it be sh-t batterys or the car killing um :help: :help:

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Ouch! What are the symptoms?


To kill a battery that fast it would either need to be overcharging, or being drained flat every night. When you had the alternator checked what voltage was it putting out?

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both testers said the alternator was giving the correct charge.the battery is fine for about 3 weeks then they die so dont think they are being drained that much over night overwise they would be dead in a week.its very strange.it started fine today tho

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yer they are which is good i work for unipart.just want the problem sorted.if its the car that at fault i want to put it right.

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I was having the same problem but never got round to changing the battery just kept charging it. In my case there was either something wrong with the stereo I fitted or something wrong with the way I fitted it. Put the original sony one back in and it's been fine for the last 2 months. The head unit was working fine with no problems at all but must have been draining charge overnight.

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Are the batteries actually dead, as in won't hold a charge any longer? Or are they just flat? In this weather if they go flat overnight they could freeze, and then they won't recover. It could be a drain from something.


I had a problem where it would randomly go flat overnight and it turned out to be a dodgy ignition switch leaving the fan on. That was in the summer tho so the battery was fine after a good charge.

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On the days that the batteries had "died" was it a cold/frosty day ?

Meaning if you had a current drain, the frost/cold could have killed the batteries off !

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I had unipart battery, was suppsoed to be one of the better ones with big warranty but it was rubbish.


Got a Bosch Silver from Costco for around £50 with 5yr warranty if I recall and it's made a big difference.


Another drain issue I've heard of is that some cars are fitted with tracker and once the tracker battery is totally dead, it can suck juice from the main battery.

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