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white smoke confusion

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as ive been having cooling problems etc, top hose hot, bottom cold, i was looking at my car whilst it running ( trying to bleed the sytem ) and though it was smokeing quite a bit, the smoke is white

it dosnt look blue or smel like oil

so i thought i would totaly drain the system as i took the pump off anyways, so then later today i started the car and left it for about 3-4 mins idle( because i know i shouldnt run with no coolant in the system obviously)


hay presto the smoke has vanished, maybe this is why ive got a coolant problem? cracked head?, i didnt see any cracks! hg ?


facts, i replaced the head gasket and skimed the head, fitted new pump ,rad,stat,heater matrix about 2 weeks ago.


unless its because the car only gets used once a week for 30 min journeys and general crusing.


just wierd how it stopped after i drained the system totaly


thanks lloyd

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^^^ have to agree with reggit, mine is a little lean / smokey when i first start mine but after its up to temp its fine (which takes ages as i aint got a thermostat in as it was seized closed) as its winter cars are always are a little more white smokey when first started as theres more rain and damp, as above did you check that you was losing coolant, and is there white mayo under your oil cap? but that could just be the gasket and not a cracked head/ block, tbh i think if you had a cracked block or head a little steam would be the last of your worries


you say your top hose was hot and the bottom cold did you check to see if your thermostat was opening? to solve that problem


but everything ive just wrote could be bull**** :)

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condensation in the exhaust causes steam rather than a white smoke,however coolant being burned produces a thickish white smoke rather than a steam due to the coolant content

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oil is spotless, dont seem to be loosing coolant and teh steam is rather thin/fine, but it dosnt go when its warm but seems to clear by half when driving

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also that stat is brand new and waterpump, also checked the stat in hott water before fitting, opened, some said drill 2 5mm hols in the stat to allow air through, good or bad i dea?

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OK - so you're not loosing coolant, therefore it can't be being burnt by the engine, there are lots of scare stories on t'interweb that you need a new engine etc when there is actually nothing wrong.... I still say it's condensation. If the car's been stood or is only used for short journeys, it can take a good while to evaporate away.


Stat - it's ages since I did mine, and can't remember if it physically fits the wrong way round - may be worth a check. I wouldn't drill holes in it, you'll most likely distort it and it won't work as intended.


Best check to see if it's working is to take it off the car and put it in a pan of water - heat the water, you'll see the stat open before the water reaches boiling point.

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