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hot starting problem....

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hey guys heres one for you... 1990 1.8 16v .... 130,000 on the clock head gasket done 2 in 8 years, never roasted small skim done twice, starts on the button every morning and when left lying, but when hot it will not turn over, it just spins over like a dead battery or a lazy starter. Checked all timing marks, everything is lined up perfectly. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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earth strap from battery to chassis to gearbox.... they get corroded over time and become more resistive with heat... this is how the starter gets it's earth,so if it's resistive then it won't be getting a true 12V at the starter and won't be able to spin the engine fast enough for it to fire up...


To test this theory, connect a jump lead (just one!) from the battery earth directly to the earth point on the gearbox mount when it's refusing to start... if it now starts, you know where the problem is... ;)

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