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Donjon's classic green storm. Return from yorkshire...

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The exhaust has had it i think. So i just ordered a magnex cat back system! (well i thought it was a good excuse!)

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Yeah thats what i was prepared to pay for it but ended up taking away the other one, nice car what are your plans?

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I am going to get coilovers, wheels,bmc induction, sort the paint, headlamp upgrade, all red rear lights, lupo wipers, cams, schrick vgi, remap. Thats about all i can think of now, probably a few other things as well. I just have to work through that list, i plan to keep the car a long time so the work will be stretched out over time and i will do it when i can afford to!

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Looks in prety good nick, it reminds me of how i baught my storm home on the trailer. and also couldn't drive it for a couple of months, but that gave me time to sort some bits out on the car and personalise it. :)

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Just ordered a jetex 2 box system as the magnex is not available. I also ordered some supersport top mounts and a polybushed exhaust mount as well.

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Thanks mate. I am thinking of rh zw1s for wheels and kw v1 for suspension. Does anyone have any experience with kw's or the rh's?

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Had both, great products on a Corrado. However think Classic Green suits a more conservative OEM style rim, RX look superb

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  OSV said:
Had both, great products on a Corrado. However think Classic Green suits a more conservative OEM style rim, RX look superb


I agree!

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Thanks for the info, i have heard good things about the kw's so i will probably get them. I did hear that rh zw1's are quite heavy is this right? Oh and greasegriff your storm looks ace, it has all the mods that i want to do to mine eventualy as well!

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Top mounts have just turned up, they look good very solid and apear to

be well made. No sign of the exhaust yet though!

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nice car mate! I paid exact same for mine too :lol: ! Bodywork on mine needs some work also!, and would you belive it, I'm getting a full exhaust system in this week (Jetex) along with, you guessed it, new suspension set up!! It's spooky!


Can I just second the below remarks - they really hit the nail on the head for the many people who will ask you....''why''???.....my answer has always been, ''why the f#ck not''!


Group 18 for a storm, and i agree its better than spending 14k on a fiesta zetec s as many people my age seem to be doing now!


Definately! You have made a wise choice! Enjoy standing out from the crowd, you can't put a price on that.


enjoy and keep us up to date on your progress


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Hey mate - so you got the Jetex? Nice one. Is it the 3 box version? Meant to be bit quieter then the 2 box. I could have that the wrong way round!


My new exhuast system is on now.....but it's Milltek! there was a huge delay in the Jetex, so I ended up going for the Milltek as they offered me a nice discount for goodwill.


I'm really interested to see what your thoughts are on your Jetex once she's up and running. Only driven mine for about 20mins, but find the exhaust note a bit more 'there' then I thought it would be.


Best a luck mate... :salute:

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Its the 2 box system which means it is louder, but a bit more power! First impressions on taking the jetex out the box is that it is a good quality sytem. The fitting kit looks comprehensive and the instuctions are clear. More of an update when i fit it at the weekend.

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sounds promising mate.

yeah, let us know how things progress over the weekend.


I'm gonna take it that although my Milltek is a 'ickle bit noisey, maybe I'll get a performance trade off?? Like yourself, I'll have to wait to find out :shrug:


cheers mate

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Right, i have just fitted the jetex and it fits very well. It went on fine apart from me needing to cut a section off the pipe coming from the cat see pic to make it fit snug. Noise wise it sounds a bit deeper than oem on idle but not that much different tbh. I will be able to give a better review when i drive it and it has bedded in. Below are a few pics of the exhaust fitting process and one side by side shot of the original and the jetex. I am now going to fit the poly top mounts so more pics and info on how i got on to come!







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Damn i thought this was going to smoothly! Whilst trying to remove the top mount nut on the drivers side (bloody nut would not budge even with 3 people trying to undo it) something had to give unfortunately it was not the nut but the strut itself which split itself down the threads! My dad has been a mechanic for 30 years and he has never seen a nut so tight that the strut gives first! So anyway i need a new front shock.:-(

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Ordered some all red rear lights as well now. Debating going straight to coilovers but dont know if my budget will stretch to that yet, hmm decisions.....

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  Donjon said:
Got some standard shocks from gsf today, perhaps i can finaly do those top mount now!


Good move, matey. Take it one step at a time. I can honestly say that there is more pleasure to be gained taking it easy and planning your purchases, so you buy only the best kit when you can afford it, and can appreciate each little modification in turn. If you rush to buy/fit it all, you won't be able to tell what the best mod was..


KWs are excellent coilovers. I have V1s on my C since Aug 2007 and the ride is great. If you decide you can afford the more expensive ones, then you get what you pay for. Just don't waste money skimping on decent suspension by being tempted by the cheaper end of the market; and make sure you get stainless steel bodied coilies as well, or else risk the adjuster rings seizing within 12-24 months unless really well looked after.


I also had a set of RH ZW1s for about 12-18 months and loved them - in fact I still do! They are a heavy wheel and will slightly dull handling (make tramlining slightly worse too) but don't let that put you off them. They are lovely wheels - worth holding out for a good set too.


HTH. Good luck with your car, and welcome to 'Rado ownership...

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Yeah i just decided to do one mod at a time and will save up for some kw suspension. I got the boge shocks from GSF so not to bad for quality anyway. I just need some front tyres now and shes ready for the road! Cant wait to start driving it only got to wait until the 12th now :clap:

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