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Brembo 323 set-up under 17" BBS RX II's

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As is usually the case, I have made a rash decision and spent out (well, not yet but it be rude if I didn't pay now!) on a 323mm Cupra R Brembo set-up (these....






I've currently got 17" BBS RXII's fitted - are these going to fit underneath without spacers?


If not, what are my options other than changing wheels? How do I go about spacing them and is this going to cause clearance issues with the arch? It's on KW V1's and dropped to within 1 finger width tyre-to-arch as it is so I'm guessing this would have to change?


Can I just use a smaller disc? What would people suggest? 305? 312?


If I'm OK to stay at 323, are these any good? http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/SEAT-LEON-CUPRA-323MM-EBC-TURBO-GROOVE-FRONT-BRAKE-DISC_W0QQitemZ290373525988QQcmdZViewItemQQptZUK_CarsParts_Vehicles_CarParts_SM?hash=item439b9c61e4


So many questions, so little knowledge!!

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I wouldn't know anything about the BBS wheels as I've never used them. But, I've done a trial fit with my Brembo caliper's that use the same 323mm discs as you need. My 17" TT Comps fitted with about 8mm clearance to the back of the wheel spoke. I have a feeling that the width of the Cupra caliper is narrower than my Porsche caliper but could measure it tonight if you want, meaning you could have more clearance.


I would be surprised if you had to mess around with the suspension height as it doesn't sound silly low.


As for a smaller disc, nope sorry mate thats it. Its a 28mm thick disc and I'm pretty sure you won't find one that width but smaller diameter. I could be worry though!


Hope it all works out for you mate.

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OK, cheers buddy. Found some 321mm discs for an Astra VXR that are 28mm thick but I'm not sure 2mm will make a whole lot of difference?! Could do with some 312's I think if this is to work!


And that's if the wheels will accomodate the depth of the caliper.


Anyone know about that? There must be someone out there who has tried this!

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they will not fit without some 3mm spacers or maybe 2mm will just about do it, i have had these exact same brakes and various alloys, including the rx11's and the only oe alloy that will fit without any spacers are tt comps and various other alloys like oz ultra's etc etc.


and i had the same discs as you found with some green stuff pads and they were awesome.



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The 323 discs will be fine, its the calipers that cause the problems, as Karl says, some spacers will do the trick

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and the only oe alloy that will fit without any spacers are tt comps and various other alloys like oz ultra's etc etc.




Wow, that was pure luck and no judgement on my part then!


At least you won't get any rubbing issues with only using 2 or 3mm spacers.

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I knew you lot would pull through!! This place is fantastic, the combined knowledge is a Godsend for people like me who buy first, think later!!


I'm happy enough with 323 discs from EBC probably, seem good value and a reliable company.


So, where to get good quality 3mm spacers?

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sorry :( just been looking back at brake/alloy set ups i had, and the RX11's required 12mm spacers per side, the car was lowered approx 60mm with weitec tx coilovers but did not rub at all on standard archs.

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Don't suppose you still have the spacers and bolts do you?


no sorry i dont, get the longer wheel bolts from your local wheelmania as they are very cheap from them.

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to be honest i would consider some different wheels, which i know is hard as i had 17in RX11s as well and they're ace..


not saying Karl didnt get away without rubbing but you're going to end up with ET23 which still isnt going to be ideal for a lowered car..

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What's the exact problem? The wheels will be further out and so are likely to rub? Or a strength issue? Or handling?


just mostly the rubbing, people have views about the effect of spacers too but i dont have enough knowledge/experience on that to make an opinion from though..

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OK, thanks for the info. Decisions need to be made then. The main problem is finding a wheel that will accommodate the Brembo's and that I like. As you say, RXII's are lovely and I don't really want to get rid if possible!

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yeah, dont sell them just on my say so! try them first with the adaptors and see what you think, its just not the ideal set up thats all!

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it might look a bit unbalanced if not and it would help keep the handling characteristics consistent

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I would have needed 16mm spacers to clear my 323/Brembo setup with RX's (not RX II's)


I changed wheels in the end, but just thought perhaps you should measure just how much you need before you actually go ahead and buy spacers!


Take a wheel off and lie it on its face, put the caliper (with the pads on) over the disc, and stick it on the wheel, the caliper will hit the spokes- space it out with slithers of MDF or whatever until it doesn't. give yourself a few mm of clearance.


It's a great setup though, and as big as you would need for the relitevly light Corrado.


If you can, it's also better to space the rears from behind the stub axle than between the disc and wheel. It doesn't load up the bearings that way.

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actually, thinking about it, i think Karl had RK11s which i think are better for clearance than RX11s - if Kip is saying the RXs needed 16mm I doubt the RX11s are going to be any better, sorry dude :ignore:

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This is starting to sound like a non-starter! And after reading Shauns (Stormcharged~VR6) thread, it appears he's running 312's with over 400bhp. Not likely I'm going to be hitting those heights so maybe a 312 set-up will do?!

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I think thats true, a lot of the uprated brakes are purely for kerb appeal on a road car, they are considerably better without doubt but not really needed.

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It's not gonna get tracked. Shame because I did fancy Brembo's. Curb appeal mostly :lol: Maybe I'll just paint some 312's red and Tip-Ex 'Brembo' on the side!

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