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Josh Waddi

Cutting Out

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Hi, Just another problem i need a bit of advice for. My friend went to pump his tryes up using my cigarette lighter, the second he turned it on it cut my engine and now it fails to idle after just sort of fixing my last idle issue. Anyone got any ideas. Im sure theres enough battery life left too. Any advice please.

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i've had this on previous car and it had blown the cig lighter fuse, which happened to control some other things.

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Yep, i had to replace that fuse too. didnt notice till i wanted a cig, had no lighter and the one in the car wouldnt work. FUMING!! its funny looking back on it.


Anyone got any ideas if its buggered something important up?

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i wouldn't know what to suggest other than checking all the fuses, did you have the correct fuse in the slot where you replaced one?

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unlikely but, could the alternator be trying to draw too much energy from the engine and causing it to stall? again its a bit of a long shot.

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i wouldn't know what to suggest other than checking all the fuses, did you have the correct fuse in the slot where you replaced one?


Thanks. i checked all the fuses and all are OK. The correct fuse was in. Think it was the new tech which blew it. Just wanted to make sure it wasnt related

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unlikely but, could the alternator be trying to draw too much energy from the engine and causing it to stall? again its a bit of a long shot.


That sounds amicable, but how would i check this? i presume a garage can check it? For free??

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