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Running temperature 1.8 16v

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What temperature should my 1.8 16v be running at? And at what point should I panic and pull off the road?!


Going to RTTS in a weeks time and want to know!



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Replied in that thread!


But need to know when I should be hammering to the hard shoulder for a well earned drink for both me and the rado! Otherwise I might not get anywhere near!

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Only start to worry if it goes much above 114 ish oil. Mine used to run at between 90 and 100. Then, after water pump change + new stat, it's usually just over 100. Never goes over 108, even on a thrash :) My water is usually at a constant 90.

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My missus's old rallye used to run hot, we used to worry if the oil started to get over 116 and into the 120's, then it would be heaters on full and trying to get as much cold air into the rad as poss, sorry it's not a definative answer but it's something to go on, I think it was boil up time in the mid 120's although It was a while back so not 100%, hope this might help a little. :)

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