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how rude!

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So I'm going away in a few weeks time to Celtic manor for the Welsh open.

I'm out at my parents and they both ask if want borrow one of there cars ad they are worried mine won't get there :-(


My car is a diamond and never broken down and never let me down.

Serviced regularly, and loves being driven.


It's only a 400 mile round trip, should I be offended?


On the flip side I could take either a 2 year old mini cooper s, or a 2 year old Mazda rx8


What you guys think?

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Personally i would be offended, but not to take it too seriously :D A 400 mile round trip isnt bad at all and i wouldnt hesitate to drive it in my corrado.


I say prove the wrong (or right :? ) by taking the rado.

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Yeah give em both a slap round the ear, then accept their offer of either car with a full tank of fuel :lol:


Hope you haven't tempted fate though buddy saying it's never broke down is not something I suggest myself lightly :ignore:

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I would like to tempt fate here by reminding her that I've never won the lottery :wink:


Take the rado and stand out from the crowd 8)

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Yeah give em both a slap round the ear, then accept their offer of either car with a full tank of fuel :lol:



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some people can do almost that mileage a week on here, i wouldnt hesitate on taking mine that far.. infact its been more than that far in one journey on more than one occasion this year!

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im really undecided. i love my rado and there is no way in the world it would let me down over that little trip.


but, if i take my dads rx8 he will fill it with fuel, and be nice to rinse the 230hp out :)

also i have vip tickets and staying at the resort, so would be nice to park in with all the posh expensive cars with the rado 8)

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rado every time while owning the the rado ive had a few REALLY nice cars and the rado gets the most attention every time i pull up anywhere mate :clap: :clap:

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Ive save your time and money and not go to the rank celtic manor or newport. Just my opinion :D

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I drove my VR from Southampton to Wales for a conference we attend for work each year, in Cardiff city centre for '07 and '08, and Celtic Manor for '09... never put a foot wrong.


I wouldn't totally agree with Kempy, Newport's got it's own little highlights - but I agree I'd dodge staying at the Manor itself and opt for The Priory in Caerleon as it's also got a great restaurant bolted to it 8)

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what are the highlights lol, so I can go there next weekend :lol: The only one I can think of is the train to cardiff

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what are the highlights lol, so I can go there next weekend :lol: The only one I can think of is the train to cardiff


Oh, I dunno... I'll come off sounding like a tramp, but I used to dig spending time in Stow or Beechwood Park when it was good weather, perusing the wares in Diverse, kicking back a pint in The Murenger, the muggy confines of TJ's, the Amphitheatre at Caerleon in the snow, climbing Stow Hill after too much sauce and feeling so nauseous that it was like you'd gone up the Sugarloaf twice ...the Waveform :lol:

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you can still walk up stow hill and sit in the "amphitheatre"and enjoy beechwood with the young mothers but all the others are gone :(

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Really? What even the pub?


I used to live on Clyffard Crescent for 3yrs, had great times up there... though I admit we too used to take the train through to Cardiff fairly often :lol: Only thing which used to freak me out was Sovereign Arcade... it was like it had been forgotten before it was even built.


Diverse was a great store, between them and the vinyl guy in the top of the old market building I spent loads of cash!


Is that little indie CD store at the foot of Hill St just as the pedestrianised bit of Commerical St ends still there - forget the name, had a tophat for their logo? What about Annabel's, Le Pub or the sleazepit that was The Riverside?


[btw - sorry to 'Willy for the complete thread hijacking! :ignore: ]

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I remember seeing a vinyl guy in a market upstairs recently( but that could have been cardiff) Now LePub is still going, as for anything else remotely intresting is saddly gone, newport gets worse. I don't think i'll be going out into Newport ever again.


WILLY I done 500 miles last weekend in my corrado from south wales to northwales via kidde. The car was great and the roads were amazing, now your probably just gonna do motorway miles so I'd take up the offer :ignore:

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Meh, i did just over 500 miles in one day a few weeks back, you'll be fine..


Id still take the RX8 though lol.

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Id happily do 400 miles without blinking an eyelid in mine. Just go for it! Unless of course u want to drive the other cars, the RX8 sounds like a good option!


Haha, Zooport, oh dear...

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no worrys about the hijack lol.


as for where im staying dont have an option really, its all free.

got invites for a vip weekend including accomodation at the resort and all food and drink included. get to meet the players as well :)


anyways think im gonna take the RX8 not driven it yet and they way my dad drives its gonna need a good clean out :norty:

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I just played the Celtic Manor Resort

















on the playstaion :D

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now thats somewhere I enjoy tbh, in the summer with a few tins and plenty of balls (golf).

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now thats somewhere I enjoy tbh, in the summer with a few tins and plenty of balls (golf).


amen sir, we've found somewhere - golfing in Caerleon FTW :clap:

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ok couple of days to go and my dad has cold feet about me borrowing the RX8, thought he would as he is spending a lot on a major valet tomorrow lol


so the rado it is :) kinda glad actually after the day i had in brighton today. drove through the centre and heard a few "ooh a corrado" comments, so looking forward to it :)

think i'll start my own thread in the galleries with lots of pics on the way

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