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Very weird vr6 hot start but not when door is open problem!!

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Posted elsewhere and did a lot of searching about hot start problems which seem common. Having replaced leads and plugs id decided to check the fuel pump was priming whenever the car wouldn't hot start. When really hot the car would turn over and over so id open the door and listen for the fuel pump priming (which it always did) and then it would start....

After this happening a few times (car not starting then me opening the door and sticking my head under the car to listen for the pump and it starting) i've come to the conclusion the car will only hot start when the door is open. This seems very odd to me but possible if the doors opening is causing a voltage change somewhere and this is affecting the car starting when hot?

Is this pure coincidence (tried and tested over 5 times now) or is it likely to be an electrical problem and if so what?

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id say more like earthing problems


opening your car door grounds your interior light hence making it come on



id check battery earth and engine bay earths

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Is there a way or testing the earths? what sort of resistance should i see along through it? I had a quick look at the earths and noticed the earth that runs from the neg terminal, then bolts to the chassis next to the battery tray and runs on to the gearbox, had some corrosion at the battery end. Couldnt get access to the gearbox end though....

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yeah its easy stick one probe lead on the battery earth terminal and probe various bits of the engine /bodywork


the ohm meter should read 0 ohms or as close as say 3 ohms max

and do touch the probe leads togethier to check the meter zeroed first

you will probly find it was the corroded battery post that giving you grief


stu ...

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Still having this problem, i had the engine earth off the car and tested resistance and it read 0.1 ohms from end to end and at the middle...

Any other ideas?

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I've just replaced the engine earth and still no luck...Still the same problem. I drive the car for a bit and park up. Then when i jump back it again it just keeps turning over. Open the door and starts instantly!!! :help: :shrug:

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Anyone? :shrug: I've got a list of things that may be to blame;


Ignition Switch

Fuel Pump or relay

Temp sensor (dont know which one(s) could cause this?)


Any ideas of where would be a good place to start? I've seen a new bosch fpr is £65 from europarts so dont want to go replacing this if its unlikely to solve the problem... :shrug:

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i would check the earths under the dash on the drivers side lower panel, when you open the door wiggle the rubber boot where the loom runs,and try and start,as you open the door the loom could be moving around the fusebox.and some of the wires could be loose or damaged.

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