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Cheap/Temporary solution for perished roof strips

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My roof strips were in a pretty bad way, so was looking at replacing them, ..but at £120ish, I'd rather eat my own face.


So, found these on ebay, which do the trick well, if only for the time being. If you buy 2 sets you have enough to put 2 strips in place of the bit of the strips that crumble off (you have to cut them to size) which fit in very snug and look really neat (will put up a pic).


Here's the item:



http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Latex-Rubber-Trim ... 519244f4c7



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I have quite a bit of this stuff.


Had no idea it had Corrado applications though :norty:

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My roof strips were in a pretty bad way, so was looking at replacing them, ..but at £120ish, I'd rather eat my own face.


So, found these on ebay, which do the trick well, if only for the time being. If you buy 2 sets you have enough to put 2 strips in place of the bit of the strips that crumble off (you have to cut them to size) which fit in very snug and look really neat (will put up a pic).


Here's the item:



http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Latex-Rubber-Trim ... 519244f4c7




Wouldn't mind seeing a pic - mine have seen better days!!

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Not a great photo actually, but you can see it fills the gap well and tucks into the remains of the original strip.


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A present for Toad perhaps... :gag:


There's just enough time before BVF to get one ordered.....

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are they wide enough to cover the whole face of the roof strip ie can you fold them over both edges?

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