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Oily injector

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Pulled out #1 injector to find it was covered in oil! It's also on very loose. Anyone know the causes? Hope it's nothing too bad...strangely enough my car now refuses to idle and misfires badly (sometimes fails to fire) so i'm assuming it's related?




p.s - 16v motor

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is there oil running down the plug hole when you removed it,have you cleaned it up and retried it? do you have spark there? duff plug,lead or pack?


There wasn;t any running down from what I could tell, cleaned it up anyway but the car still refuses to idle. Incidentally I removed the air box prior to this so i'm thinking that an air leak might be the cause of the idle issue, although the oily injector is still worrying. The car starts up okay so i presumed spark was ok, HT leads are about 1000miles old and i have no idea on how to test the pack? didn't have my socket set on me so couldn't check the plugs, the car is now stranded about 7 miles from where I live so i'll have to take a look when i next go there.


Might be a ridiculous theory, but due to the injector being loose, is it possible oil could have run down there where I have accidentally spilled some when topping up?


Any ideas on what could cause this anyway? Can't think of how oil could even get there in the first place :cuckoo:

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i miss read that,but yea oily injector will most likely be spilt oil,the only way you get oil on the nozzle is via the intake or in the fuel,but that would happen to all of them and not just one,also would hardly run,i think you are reading to much into the injector its probably nothing and as you said probably timing/air leak issue.

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