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Big water leak, Supercharger Bracket

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Hi guys, I am really stuck. My car has started to lose a lot of water, I initially thought it was the pipes leading to the oil filter housing as these looked like they were furred up with a coolant beard :D So i took the pipes off and cleaned them up and replace the pipes, put the car back together and water started to come out.


I have had the right hand supercharger bracket off and realised there is a water way behind and there is an o-ring..........I went to VW and they have discontinued this o-ring and. So they gave me the dimensions of the o-ring (26.5 mm by 2 mm)


I went to a car parts shop and managed to by a 27mm x 3mm o-ring, put the car back together and ever since its been leaking.


can a .5mm in diameter and 1mm thickness really cause the bracket to leak,


Any other idea's?


I think my car hates me, I have been saying i will sell it and now i am, its decided to throw its toys out the pram.


Please help



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did you go to robinsons or TPS? the dealers are seriously unhelpful!

the o ring should be ok as long as it didn't get nipped when you put the bracket back on

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