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Heat Exchanger internal diameters

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Does anyone know if the internal diameters of the OE heat exhangers varies? The reason I am asking is due to attempting to fit an extenal oil cooler on my VR6 today only to find out that the oil extension tube I have bought to use with the Mocal thermostatic plate and replacement metal cap is too wide for the exchanger although the length is fine. The place I purchased this from said that this should fit on the original pressed steel exchangers but not the cast Ally ones normally supplied by other manufactorers. Now I have checked a new one, the one on the car and even the one on the 16v and they all look the same to me although none of them have VAG part numbers that I can see. The extensions supplied by DG and C2 look like they are for a different cap so and they have me thinking that the wide part of those should be fitting through the sandwich plate.


Can anyone point me in the right direction please.

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I have a spare one somewhere from Mocal - will try and dig it out.


Not really sure I understand though as the size is governed my the thread so should be a standard size?

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I was just going to post that I have found the answer to my own question but you beaten me too it.


The kit I have bought utilises a mocal end cap and sandwich plate and as such requires the use of a long extension tube when used with the original heat exchanger. It would appear that the one I have is the wrong one so I'm trying to source one from http://www.thinkauto.com/.


I might get this oil cooler fitted before winter gets here :)

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Ah - found my original part in a mocal bag but no hole for the snadwich plate so must the the standard one...


I have a feeling I sold the one I had to Tom (VR6) - sure the part number is on the form somewhere too...

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i've installed an external oil cooler in mine whilst deleting the existing oil-to-water cooler. doesnt make much difference removing it tbh. Also, max oil temps are about 104C, usually around 98C, but then my clocks tend to overread the oil temp slightly.

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