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I have this angled piece of metal with a hole in the top, not sure if its an old braket from something redundant? Any ideas?

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The cruise control pump thing sat about dead on that spot i seem to remember.

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Its to hold part of the loom, from memory the gearbox reverse switch or speedo drive, cant remember off the top pf my head...

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Is the small hole for holding a pipe in place? Does anyone else have it on theirs?

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Is the small hole for holding a pipe in place? Does anyone else have it on theirs?



Its for a loom clip, the hole allows the clip to locate on the bracket.

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It hold the cable that runs to the fans - at least on my VR6 - I was wondering about this thing myself when I put it back together ;)


As it sat on mine:



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Has anyone got a photo of their one complete? Thats for letting me know what its for

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