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Engine oil flush

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Hi all,

Can anyone recommend a good oil flush additive, as going to do an oil change and want to flush the system

Cheers Dan

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I used to do this before I got older and wiser. :roll:

You can use a very cheap oil bought at LIdl or somewhere - that is one idea.


My view now is that life is too short to waste time on this sort of activity, particularly more so today if the car has been regularly serviced with state-of-the-art lubricants..


I realised only a few years ago having sold on so many cars in exceptional condition, that the only person(s) to benefit from such meticulous activities is/are the next owners of the car.


Days spent derusting/priming/painting largish areas are also a timewaster. As has been working on the underside.

This philosophy may be even more relevant now as we will be taxed off the road and forced to use cars using modern "green" (haha) technology.


Sorry to be so negative, but I have been there, too! However, I am now seeing things with a long perspective during a revolutionary era in private motoring.


I know this will not stop the obsessives among you, believe me, I was one as well. We need to get out more while we can!

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An oil and coolant flush once killed my headgasket (Golf Mk2). Admittedly it was probably nearing the end of its life, but even so, the harsh chemicals definitely finished it off prematurely.


I would never use one again unless I had serious clogging problems (e.g. tappet issues). In my opinion its just as good and far safer to do two decent oil changes (including filter), about a week or two apart, using cheap oil for the first change. I did this on my wifes Z3 and the oil from the second change has stayed a lovely golden colour for ages.

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I would never use one again unless I had serious clogging problems (e.g. tappet issues). In my opinion its just as good and far safer to do two decent oil changes (including filter), about a week or two apart, using cheap oil for the first change. I did this on my wifes Z3 and the oil from the second change has stayed a lovely golden colour for ages.



agreed. Stay away from oil flushes, they are not needed and can cause harm than good. Conker's suggestion is best, and not too costly either.

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tbh i think the horror stories are only there as the flush has finished off engines which were on their way out already.


as long as your engine is healthy then flush isn't going to hurt it!


forte is good stuff, and (not wanting to sound arsey here...) if you've actually seen how much cleaner it makes things inside the engine then you would appreciate why to use it.


yes the two oil changes isn't a bad move, but as long as your engine is healthy then flush isn't going to hurt it.


there are various things that become "caramelised" and "coked" up in an engine over time - tappets normally being the prime example.

flush gets rid of all the crap and leaves you with a nice shiny engine to start from again.


if this means that gaps are bigger and oil pressure drops (as a result of engine wear over time), then obviously that will potentially lead to problems. that stems from the excessive wear being highlighted by the flush though, not by the flush simply "killing" an engine as it is often incorrectly rumoured to do.

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Griff is quite right - i think the issue stems from people wanting to 'revamp' an old engine by flushing, which leads to the aforementioned issues. By that time its already too late for a flush to help :gag:

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Got to do the sump gasket and rocker gasket anyway, will give them a good clean when they are off :grin: , engine is one of the best VR6's of i have owned (4th one now) so think i will try the forte engine flush, have used engine flushes before on other engines and been fine

Cheers All

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I agree, i have been using 'Forte' for many years on all my cars. NEVER had a single problem. My car gets flushed at every service and its bloody good stuff :)

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