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2.0 16v sounding like Subaru Impreza - think I found cause..

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Unfortunately, for the last few mornings, my valver has been doing a bad impression of a Subaru Impreza - running on 3 cylinders and sounding distinctly like a boxer engine. It seems to sort itself out after about 10 minutes of driving.. you get a bit of juddering and bucking and suddenly it's running on all 4 quite nicely.


I've been and used the search and read various things - one of which was suggestion that the ISV can cause this (fricking 16v's and ISV's.. already had 2 on this one!) so going to give my one a good clean out this evening. Was also going to pull the plugs and inspect them and see if one plug is looking a bit different to the others.


Anyone have suggestions for some classic causes of this to look for?

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had a few damp misty mornings, perhaps you have a slight ignition problem, start it cold after 8pm when the light has faded and if it does it again look for leads arcing, perhaps check if the distributor cap is clean and dry inside and out.

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had a few damp misty mornings, perhaps you have a slight ignition problem, start it cold after 8pm when the light has faded and if it does it again look for leads arcing, perhaps check if the distributor cap is clean and dry inside and out.



+1 - My 16v Mk2 Golf did the same and it turned out to be a faulty ignition lead - took me ages to diagnose as the leads were brand new so I ignored them when trying to find the fault!


As another idea if all else fails, you could pull the plugs in the morning and shine a light into the cylinders to see if you can see any moisture (fuel or water etc.) on the piston, or dangle a piece of string in and see if it comes out wet - maybe theres a tiny leak, but if there no smoke, I doubt this will be the problem. Just a suggestion.

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Cheers guys.


Water level has been absolutely rock solid now for the last year or two. Hasn't used a drop! :) Have replaced the radiator, various pipes and flanges and stuff in the last few years tho tho so sure that helped.

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had a few damp misty mornings, perhaps you have a slight ignition problem, start it cold after 8pm when the light has faded and if it does it again look for leads arcing, perhaps check if the distributor cap is clean and dry inside and out.


Agree with David, sounds like ignition. Get some WD40 and spray all the leads which should displace any water, then start and see how it runs.

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Well, I think I found the problem. Was at DG Autotech today with the VR and mentioned the problem to Dave. He loaned me a set of good HT leads so I went home and did a swap. Car started and ran and seemed fine. I started looking at the old leads and as I picked up lead #4, the end that goes into the head looked a bit loose.. I lightly pulled it and it just fell off followed by a load of green dust! I cleaned the end, reinserted, fell out again complete with tonnes more green dust! It was everywhere!


Not sure WTF has happened but that lead is toast. I can't understand how it ever worked given it's condition! Anyway - I now know I need a new set of leads. They're only 4'ish year old Beru ones too.... not too impressed! :(

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