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VR6 Tensioner replacement

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Anyone know if this is worth tackling myself??


I've seen a few "how to's" on other forums and it seems pretty straight forward. I havent actually inspected the top tensioner pad for wear just yet but i'm going to soon. The chains are starting to make a tiny bit of noise and obviously theres loads of debate as to whether you actually need to do the chains or whether its just the tensioners you need to worry about.


I've heard its mainly just the top ones that pick up the most wear and in some cases bits can actually break off.


I've seen this thread http://forums.vwvortex.com/showthread.php?1264409 which shows some great stuff so it makes me think it's not going to be that hard.


Any tips or experiences shared would be great



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There's a full guide on how to do it, inc part numbers, in our very own Knowledge base wiki!


We're not getting into ANOTHER chains debate, sorry. There's tonnes of them already.

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