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Motorway hates..

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Being that I commute everyday on our lovely M1 & M25 (NOT) I thought I ask what you guys think of other drivers & your concerns & in particular hates!


heres a few of myn!


1. I really hate lane hoggers who sit in the fast lane & don't let you past!

2. Van drivers who sit in the fast lane & don't move over, facking Muppets have a sticker on the rear panel saying " HOW'S MY DRIVING RING 0800 ETC" I think your taking the facking MICK MATE!

3. Big powerful cars sitting in fast lane with no lights on in the DARK potting along at 50mph in the fast lane, (I would like to get home sometime this year!!) wankers!

4. Van drivers who squeeze in front of you in the fast lane even though you haven't given them space to..!

5, People who sit on there mobiles chatting when they no theirs a FACKIN FONE BAN!! facking Muppets!

6. Lorry drivers who won't let you enter the motorway cos they can't be arsed to move over!

7. Can't think of anything else at the mo, but sure I think of something...


If I had a gun I shoot the fackers who piss me of on the road!!!!!

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lol :lol: you have some rage there, persoanlly i hate when cars block the fast lane and do 50-60 and as soon as you go in the middle lane to overtake them they pas in the midd lane blocking you again :mad: :mad:

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I think you ought to use that bird in your avatar and de-stress mate :lol:


Agreed with hate number 6, although bear in mind the cars that are alongside them at the time, so are unable to move over.


I must admit to having a low tolerance with drivers that have a bad attitude in general.....but unfortunately, that's the way a lot of people feel on the roads at the moment and it's just replicating like wild fire around a lot of people....... for example, where two lanes merge into one, you can just see the sheer hatred in people's faces of anyone that dares sneak in front of them.....it's getting out of control :roll: But if you look in the Highway code, it states that whoever's wheels are in front has right of way, regardless of lane priority......the only exception to that rule being undertaking on motorway.


There's a lot of angry people out there itching to get into some road rage, so avoid it is my advice, try and chill or you're no better than the people you listed above!


Grandad :lol:

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Actually.....there is one hate that really aggrevates me and that is people that can't stand being overtaken. It's just so damned immature and childish. You know the sort.....they see you approaching and just when you're about to pass them, they then indicate and pull out, having had 100s of yards to do so earlier.....no..they HAVE to wait until you're upon them before changing lanes. Then they casually saunter along 5mph faster than the overtaken vehicle....and surprise surprise, when you're along side them to overtake, they drop down a cog and floor it.


Angry Grandad :evil:

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cheers for the replies guys... I always get told to chill on the motorway by the lovely blonde (I wish) :lol: , we all got to earn a living... :wink:

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Just gotta accept you can't change people mate and accept shoddy drivers! It's handy having a powerful motor so you can blast past them and get them out of your hair :lol:

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I got one, lorry’s that pull out in front of you to overtake another lorry when your on top of them, bastads, then taking 1-2 miles to get past it, how frustrating is that...

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I see all sorts of idiots as I do about 700 miles a week. The worst are sales reps in diesel mondeos (oops, thats me!)


Honestly though, after a while all you can do is take a deep breath and thank god that the muppet didn't wipe you out on the way past.





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I got one' date=' lorry’s that pull out in front of you to overtake another lorry when your on top of them, bastads, then taking 1-2 miles to get past it, how frustrating is that...[/quote']


Frustrating indeed but unlike car drivers, they have to plan their overtaking way in advance due to their engine limiters and 4,545 gear ratios :lol:


I quite like it actually cause some fool normally gets up your backside and then you can floor it when the lorry pulls over....bye bye fool :lol:

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Old codgers that dawdle along at 10 mph


Anyone in a nova with a big exhaust (why is it they think they are the dogs hairy ones) ITS A NOVA YOU MUPPET!!!!


People that dont know how to use filter lanes and just block you off.


when you let someone in and they just dont acknowledge you at all. It makes me wanna insert my exhaust in them.




good lord I am getting quite upset here i better stop!!!

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I've been getting quite a lot of cars that, as soon as i have passed them in the outside lane, will immediatally pull out and try to 'race me'. :roll: . The thing is they all seem to be bog standard escorts etc, nothing fast. Good fun sometimes though, when i floor it and lose them! :) It's as if they resent me passing them for some reason. :?

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It's as if they resent me passing them for some reason. :?


Try it in a VERY DIRTY pinkish red H plate Golf Driver... :wink: The amount of people who look SERIOUSLY annoyed that I dare to overtake them is sooooooo funny! :lol:


The only problem I get is when they try to re-overtake me..... I've run out of speed! :roll: :oops: :lol:

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I quite like it actually cause some fool normally gets up your backside and then you can floor it when the lorry pulls over....bye bye fool :lol:


You know :lol: :lol: :lol:

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My main hate is people who undertake and cut in on you in the outside lane - I WAS LEAVING THAT SPACE FOR SOME SORT OF SAFETY MARGIN YOU MORON - just because there's a space in front of me doesn't mean you have to fill it! Makes my blood boil...

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My main hate is people who undertake and cut in on you in the outside lane - I WAS LEAVING THAT SPACE FOR SOME SORT OF SAFETY MARGIN YOU MORON - just because there's a space in front of me doesn't mean you have to fill it! Makes my blood boil...


I agree with you on that one mate... :mad:

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I was guilty of undertaking this morning......I waited patiently behind a Rover 75 at 68mph thinking there must be congestion in front of him.....so after what felt like 10 mins of sitting there crawling along, I moved into the middle lane to have a peek, only to find the road ahead of was him clear and he was just sitting there hogging the OVERTAKING lane..... so I under took him. He didn't move over so I noticed a whole load of other people following suit behind me.


He must of either recently emigrated here and isn't used to our road orientation, or the most likely explanation is he is just a complete idiot. Anyone that is completely oblivious to what is going on around them on the roads or doesn't know what lane to be in shouldn't hold a license.



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Well I'm totally facked off with drivers on the road :mad: :mad: :mad:


after 2 very near miss's due to other people being ignorant..


first was a women eating & driving at the same time pulled in front of me as I was in fast lane & I locked up to miss her!! :mad: gave her a real dirty look, facking COW!!


2nd was a prick who pulled out petrol station as I was entering the raod, he was meant to give me way & decided he'd pull out & drive at 5mph! again I slowed down horned at him, he had the check to swear at me! when the he's in the wrong, facking areshole! i horned at him all the way down the road & begged him to stop so I could break him facking finger of for even attempting to swear at me!!

:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:


He turned of next road which was lucky, thanks for making my blood boil first thing in the morning!!! :p


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Hi all, what an appropriate topic. Its as if everyone on the road is out to annoy me :x Top of my list has to be people dawdling along in the outside 'OVERTAKING' lane, when the inside lane is empty! ITS AN OVERTAKING LANE!! This has made be really nice to other faster cars/ bikes :) by overtaking the car i need to and then pull in to let them pass. Much to my supprise they actually wave and say thankyou!!! Cheers me up



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I got the same hates about those that hog the fast lane.... however, the VR6 has so much acceleration that you just go round them, and when they try to react, they cant catch you quick enough, and you are back in the fast lane, and long gone.


The bit that gets you most, is that after you've gone to all that trouble, they usually move into the middle lane, which they should have been in all along.

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My main hate is people who undertake and cut in on you in the outside lane - I WAS LEAVING THAT SPACE FOR SOME SORT OF SAFETY MARGIN YOU MORON - just because there's a space in front of me doesn't mean you have to fill it! Makes my blood boil...


I agree with you too on that mate. You're trying to keep a safe distance, and some git thinks that you have kept that space for him! People like that almost force you at times to drive closer to the car in front than you would like to.

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Normal rules for staying in the middle lane is if you would have to pull out again within 10 seconds, then staying there is ok.

Problem is, everyone else stays there.. So, do you break another law and undertake them?


M1 is a classic for MLMs. Makes me wanna install an LED sign on the back of the car, so I can undertake them, pull in front, cut them up, and flash up a rude message.... hehe.


On the continent, its fine for you to flash people out of the way.... why do we have to be the stupid country where that's considered rude? So bloody british.

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Undertaking is not illegal



But driving without due care and attention is, so if you do undertake...make sure you do it v. carefully and the driver knows you're there

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