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Fat Tony

Performance VW Forum Guide

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Would you believe it no mention of THE Corrado Forum in there.


But as the editor said this month "How do you improve on perfection?"


I do subscribe but unfortunately its the best that’s out there that I know off.

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PVW has just upset me again: There's a reader's letter (from someone in Spain, I seem to recall - didn't buy the rag), requesting a poster with something else than just Golfs on there, asking for a poster with Corrados, for example.


Response from the editor (or whoever answers these letters): A poster full of Sciroccos (!!, Corrado=Scirocco, it's official, OK, I'll let it count given that it was long known internally at VW as the Mk3 Rocco) would be horrible, or something to that extent.


THAT immediately upset me as a Rocco-fan, given PVWs overall disrespect for anything other than boring Golfs :mad: Now I do realise that there are 23 million Golfs out there (yawn), so the largest proportion of PVW customers would have a Golf, hence they need to cater for that market. But please, why not show a little more respect for other VWs (I don't need to mention the advantages of having a Rado or Rocco, now do I? :-P ), as quite frankly it constantly puts me off that rag. They then wonder about the slightly hostile attidtude from non-Golf owners *LOL*.



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Performance VW / Ford / BMW / what ever magazine are just a bunch of generic, half witted journalists. They're just an extension of Max Power and Fast Car these days. I never bought it when I was into Golfs either..... Every month you're greeted with the same old trash.

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