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broke my driveshaft now

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Erm am I missing something?


Why don't you just buy the outer c.v joint and re fit .... You don't need a new shaft.



And top tip if the shaft as you say was dislocated it is very possible to reattach without raking boot off depending how quickly you noticed it , otherwise just a new outer c.V joint is required no panic no biggy. Cheers

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If you only changed the outer there would be no need to remove the complete shaft,


However the inner box joints are splined not Allen key the size can't remember 35 or spmething

The only difficult bit is taking the joint out of the hub as vws have a tendency to 'get stuck' lol have fun if it is


One dodgy but very effective way of getting them out is to use two hammers but it is not recommended use only as last resort

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the outer cv joint looks fine except for the bits of metal in it,its the splines on the drive shaft that are knackerd.the cv joint wont go back on to the shaft

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ive checked today and the inner cv joint on a golf mk2 drive shaft is differant to a corrado :( .so i am going to try and file the splines on my old shaft

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