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wont start again

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Sorted the battery, starter seems to be working but havnt replaced it, it died on me erlia and it wouldnt idle, had to keep the revs on and its was struggling then, then it eventually went after sitting at traffic lights for a while, got it started down a hill in second then pulled onto my drive (As it luckily decided to go up the road from my house)


Cut out when i pulled up and wouldnt start again, turns over but wont start, can hear it wanting to go but it doesnt fire up kind of fires up a little then dies, also when i got it running after it cut out the first time when i changed gear it was very jumpy, jumpy enough my my dash to look like it was moving when i changed gear....


worked fine about 5 mins before....


help me please, any suggestions would be beneficial, mot in 6 days, wouldnt be good if it didnt start at all... aha.


Cheers people, sorry my car is such a pain in the arse, least its not a pain in the wallet for you lot.


Regards Aidan

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Have you checked the fuel pump relay ? I mention it when ever someone brings up these symptoms cos I threw hundreds at my G60 over 4-5 months before realising I had a dry solder :mad2:

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