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Buying Corrado Tomorrow :)

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is the water leaking somewhere ?? if not it could be head gasket so be prepare for a big job to put it back on road.

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if it was a headgasket, wouldnt the oil and water mix into one and also would i see any deposits of it on the cap of the rad?


he said temperature is not overheating as he kept the water topped up

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if it was a headgasket, wouldnt the oil and water mix into one and also would i see any deposits of it on the cap of the rad?


he said temperature is not overheating as he kept the water topped up


yes, the water should be mixed with oil so you have to check if isn't

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could also be the heater matrix

faf to do, but relatively cheap

so long as it's cheap enuff, you'll be fine

I bought a 1.8 16v 1989 about 5 years ago for 160 bucks. took 400 quid and it was all legal again

enjoy and have fun

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AlgarveVR6- Thats what im assuming it could be because he said the heater fan doesnt work at all! If it was the headgasket, the heater should work but would be blowing out cold air rather than hot(please correct me if im wrong)

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you'll get no sleep tonight :lol:

Oh you got that right LOL! i'm constantly having to look at the picture of the car LOL because i just can't wait!! :clap:

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3.44am says it all :lol:


Hope your day goes well! Come back later and tell us how wide your grin is ... or how much you hate it :grin:

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hey miz.

The blowers not working will either be electrical, or mechanical connections on the controls. Not uncommon problem

If the matrix has gone, then there is a possibility of it being wet on the floor in the cabin. The matrix is behind the centre console.

There are also the connections on the bulkhead. If the matrix has gone, undo both the connections on the bulkhead and connect together using piece of 15mm copper pipe.

If its the matrix this will stop it loosing water. If it continues to loose water, the problem is elsewhere.

Good luck and have fun. AND STOP GRINNING :grin: :grin: :grin:

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Firstly why can't a 33 year old man be honest rather than wasting my time? :(.. It was a nightmare!!!


It started off well as me and my friend was originally planning to go via train but i dont know what made me ring my other friend from school days and he offered me a ride and if he could come along as he had nothing to do! So the journey to Kent was full of a lot of 'hehes' and 'haha's LOL and once i had arrived there, everything was different!


The interior of the car was amazing i must admit but the floors ha! they were more like urm lets say a fish tank with no fishes!!! The front and rear were absoloutley drenched and the water was still there and buyer tried telling me that 'oh the window was left open overnight and it rained' which to me was absolute BULLSH17!!! Right but never mind that, i still wasnt put off tbh as things never get to me, i'm always smiling regardless of the situation like people say but yeah checked the engine coolant levels before the car was switched off and everything seemed fine so yeah lets fire her up and get it running so i can drive it before i exchange any monies.


Firstly battery was dead so as 'Luke' had mentioned, the battery was put on charge overnight and he was just installing it back into the bay when i had arrived! First turn of key it started however it seemed like the spark plugs were totally f00ked as it hesitated starting and once it had, there was trouble with the idle and i had to put my feet on the gas to keep it started! Although once warm, it was totally fine again. Took it for a test drive and it was immense! i must admit it pulled very strong in all gears and it had a nice 'roar' from the engine which i was thinking it must be a induction kit but i had remembed there isnt one there! Anyways whilst driving back, i had noticed the 'water l.e.d' flash and i was told by Luke(seller) it would be okay probs a faulty sensor but once i parked up again, i had realised the expansion tank(coolant bottle) was dryyy!! bone dry!! not even the slighest bit of water and i thought WTF!!! we filled it up again and its like leaking from underneath like a running tap! i was so upset as id come all this way and now finding out i wouldnt be able to drive it back home :(..Luke was very helpful as he tried so many methods such as halfords rad welds and etc but it still wouldnt stop leaking! I didnt bloody sleep the night before as people know, i left at 6.30 in the morning and arrived about just after 9ish and like i really dont appreciate this after having several lengthly phone conversations regarding the vehicle! So guess what? I still didnt give up, i wanted it :(.. I really loved it i mean i wanted to cry inside when i found out the fact i couldnt drive it back but called the AA and they had come and checked up and said, theres meant to be a round thing sitting on the cylinders etc or something abit like a candle http://www.sz-wholesale.com/uploadFiles ... Z84053.jpg and because that isnt there or it could have popped out due to being under load and it just shot it out the block! So AA were lets say B4ST4RDZ!! Its my f00kin vehicle, i've just bought it so why cant i have it recovered home !!! :@..So to cut the story short it was one hell of a day especially when i left from Ashford about 1.30 and coming back home at 6.30 as friend thought its funny to drive on 'A' roads going in and out of london and getting lost LOL (pr1ck:) but yeah so ive told luke im still interested and i love the car, i do i understand it needs some tlc but aslong as the major or horrendous water leak is sorted, id be happy to take it away! So tomorrow fingers crossed, i should be hearing something from him but after i drove that corrado :( im in love with them *blushes* LOL but yeah that is what happened today! 1 F'd up day seriously!

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wow, sorry to hear that :(


are you still going to buy it?? I'd keep away from it, except it's really cheap and you can fix it yourself..


Corrados have (usually) been driven hard, most of them with no maintenance, etc.. so I would not buy one with visible problems. I bought mine 4 years ago, it was running fine, and in one week the clutch went, as well as the head gasket, starter motor..............




anyway good luck with it :)

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hey Miz

what a bummer

personally I would find another. It's probably been cooked by now

Luke sounds like a nice enuff guy, but with no clue on maintenance, and willing to say anything to sell it.

UNless it's really cheap, like 300 bucks or something, look for another. There are others about, not all of them rubbish

Chin up dude


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its got 125k miles and few months mot and tax




got to be worth that in parts, but remember, it's not going to be easy, so don't expect it

that way when it works, you can grin even more :grin: :grin:

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Do not touch this car with a barge pole! Sorry but if you read what you have read as a 'neutral' that would be your advice too. Coolant light flashing is just the sender? Nonsense. If that was the case the seller would have spent 5 mins cleaning it. Look at some of the stories as per water leaks on this website and you wont walk away from this heap of junk you will run. To give you an idea i replaced the hoses with a Samco silicon kit (€400) last year. Two months ago the infamous crack pipe went and that had to be changed with the oil cooler, another €800. Granted mine is a VR6 and they cost a bit more to run than a 16v but these are expensive toys to keep! Remember the old adage.....BUY CHEAP BUY TWICE. This car is trouble, there are much better out there in places like Pistonheads.......

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If its just a core plug then might not be too bad depending if you can do the work yourself. Depends if its been run and allowed to over heat as then you will be into serious problems. Have you bought it yet?

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So when is the red one getting sold?


...i would never pay more than £500 for a corrado or car of that era! i buy and sell lol i have to have to get my things cheap as chips if i need to make money lol :)

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wow... wounds like my Corrado adventures to a tee.


How much did he want for it? There are great cars out there at the moment selling for peanuts... Hang around on here and go to the for sale section. I'm sure you can find something you like.



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