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VW parts

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where do VW keep their parts :) I ordered a few things in the week from the dealer which took 7 days... plastic fascia bits turn up covered in dust and faded. I know my car never sees the daylight but it certainly doesn't go with a black dashboard :)

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Trim parts don't go out of date as such so they may have been made in 95 and in storage since - I know what you mean though, I've had some dusty old boxes turn up before!

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The parts are date stamped. For instance I bought an inner wing liner the other day, which was pretty dusty, but it was made in Feb 2003, so not that old really. You can spot the really old parts when the bags and white parts picker labels have turned brown :)


Makes me laugh really. This crap is clogging up their warehouses, so why don't they just do a massive car boot sale and get shot of it all?

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The UK parts store is in Milton Keynes but a lot of Corrado stuff (if you can still get it) is back order from Germany and that mostly takes 7-10 days. The dealer should probably have told you if the parts were in Germany - mine always warns me anyway.

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The VAG parts warehouse is in Dordon in Birmingham.


That could explain a lot then, because my dealer thinks it's in Milton Keynes :)

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