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intermitant starting fault

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Hi guys, i've got a bit of a fault coming through when i start my car. It fires up fine but the revs drop to about 500 sometimes lower then struggles to idle and then sorts itself out and idles fine (about 1000 revs). Its just an odd pattern that seems to be developing, i mean after that it runs fine no issues at all (touch wood) so it doesnt bother me too much just want to get it sorted before it gets worse.

It doesnt happen all the time and when it does its usually not firing on all cylinders but then as stated above it sorts itself out, fires on all cylinders and then idles fine too!?

This all happens in the space of about 30 seconds...


Any ideas? the Cars a 1.8 16v year is 1990 (although i know its had an engine transplant at some point so not sure what age the engine is exactly)

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