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just a idea for you 5 stud guys that want the brembos

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ok ive start a quick thread as i didnt want to complicate the official one as i have a idea for you five stud guys


Wouldnt it be possible to get the discs redrilled to 5x100 using on of the original holes???


Ive seen the german do it with adptors from 4x100 to 5x100 so i can see why it wont work on the discs??


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Stealth already have a 5 stud kit, can't remember what carriers he uses but think the discs are either Cupra R or 4Motion ones. He charges around the £400 mark for them too.


I'll find out for sure on March 13th as I'm going there.



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yeah Vince does do the kit but if he does the 5 stud for £400 get them as ive never seen them for less than £800


only the kit ive seen for £400 is the 4 stud versions


also you cant use the leon ones at the hub carriers from the mkIV range is different to the corrado ones hence why at the mo i would need to get the caliper carrier fabricate with a 6mm spacer hence my idea

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OK mate, valuable info indeed!


I only remember the Brembo 5 stud kit as he'd just got them in in April and was asking me to guess how much the whole kit was.....and he said £400. I will double check with him that was the 5 stud kit though, but I have a sneaky suspiscion it was the 4 stud kit as your price seems very good.



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