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cable spade on the oil filter housing

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Got a bit heavy handed whilst degreasing the engine area today and managed to snap off one of the cable spade on the oil filter housing…couple of questions


1. Is 5 amp the correct female spade for this cable ? also I noticed that this cable doesn’t have a rubber bell housing around it like the other cables have…Is this normal or is mine missing ?


2. To the left of the oil filter housing is the dip stick metal pipe. Can this pipe be removed. I was thinking of getting it powder coated with the other bits I have. Is it just a case of loosening the nut at the top and it will just pull out.



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No thats normal fella with it not having protection around the plug


And the pipe im sure can be removed i think its threaded where it joins the engine block so id imagine with a bit of force it should screw off

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2. The illustrations suggest the pipe is a push fit (no torque setting is specified is a clue) with a rubber O ring round it to seal. Its secured in by the bolt attachment near the top of the pipe (bolt torque 10Nm).


If it doesn't budge, try boiling water around the base to expand the block's hole locally.



Edited by RW1

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2. The illustrations suggest the pipe is a push fit (no torque setting is specified is a clue) with a rubber O ring round it to seal. Its secured in by the bolt attachment near the top of the pipe (bolt torque 10Nm).


If it doesn't budge, try boiling water around the base to expand the block's hole locally.




What would we do without your input fella, i stand corrected :-)

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