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Have You Seen Your Steering Rack Today?

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It hit 70 degrees today, probably the warmest day of the year so far, so after mowing the lawn it was time to mess with the Corrado. My buddy brought over some wheel ramps for me to try, so I drove up on them and decided to stare at the undercarriage.


Damn it is messy and dirty, all black, covered with road grime. So I decided to pull out some dish soap, Windex, brake cleaner, and paper towels. My goal was to introduce myself to the power steering rack, where ever it may have been hiding.




---------- Post added at 11:45 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:44 PM ----------


I think I found it, it's that black dirt and oil burrito on top of the subframe.




---------- Post added at 11:46 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:45 PM ----------


I was able to clean the subframe with the Windex, dish soap, and paper towels, however because of the little square ridges all over the darn rack I had to resort to the toxic brake cleaner. So here is a progress shot, it's coming along nicely, but I'm far from finished.


It was aluminum - who knew? LOL



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So that's what it looks like ! lol

I find an old toothbrush is the tool for that kind of job ! Don't underestimate the power of WD40 for cleaning.

Top job

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So that's what it looks like ! lol

I find an old toothbrush is the tool for that kind of job ! Don't underestimate the power of WD40 for cleaning.

Top job


WD40 = Fab! Managed to get some black spray paint off a pale beige suede chair with it. (Avoiding the wrath of her indoors!)

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I find an old toothbrush is the tool for that kind of job!


I guess great minds think alike, that thought came into my head last night, as I was ... [wait for it] ... brushing my teeth, lol.


Don't underestimate the power of WD40 for cleaning.


Oh, trust me mate, I do not, my wife's 90 year old plus grandfather, metal of honor recipient post World War II puts that stuff on his knees to keep arthritis away, (drives his sons, and personal doctor bunkers, but the doc says hey he's 90 and the worst that can happen is a skin infection, LOL) by the way he survives the war, comes home, literally gets off the bus, still in his uniform, and jumps off a bridge to save a woman who plunges to her death in a suicide attempt - True Story, there is a newspaper article on it in the Buffalo NY publication.


---------- Post added at 02:33 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:32 PM ----------


Well poking around I came across this leak on one of the power steering hosers Ay. The problem with old cars and acquiring a vehicle second hand is that you don't know if that leak sprung 8 weeks ago or 8 years ago and was fixed but not cleaned up type a thing. So since German Auto Parts doesn't sell these replacement hosers I am going to clean it up real good, and keep an eye on it for a couple weeks. I am taking this route because my power steering fluid level is perfect, it does not run low, and there are no drips under the car, so maybe it's ok. Anybody seen this kinda crazy leak in this spot before?



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