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Your help with pricing for a newbie please?

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I wondered if you might all give me some advice? We are sadly selling our late M reg VR6 as there are 5 in the family now and were expecting a price of around 3k which seems to be the going price on ebay etc. However a "friend" who dabbles in classic cars has told my husband that he would expect a higher figure due to its mileage being so low (40,000).


I have seen the Storms going for between 5 and 6k and a dealer selling one for 10k with similar mileage to ours. Ours isn't a Storm but would our low mileage make such a difference too?


Your advice would really be welcome as obviously every penny counts and hubbie is all in a dither (he really doesn't want to sell anyway and this is a good chance to stall I'm sure)!!

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I would certainly expect someone to be prepared to pay north of £5-6k if its in tip top condition. Mileage isn't the whole story but does make a big difference to values. Best of luck with sale, selling on here could get you a good sale from an enthusiast.

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Thank you 8vMatt - will take on board. Have someone who is interested so shall quote the prices you say and see what comes of it and may post here too. Thanks again :)

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As Matt says, overall condition is the most important thing, but mileage is also a big factor, especially with it as low as 40K. Got any pics?


Just to give you an indication, someone recently had a Storm up for sale on here with 37K on th clock. He originally wanted £14K, which, in most people's eyes was very, very optimistic. He then revised it to around £9K.

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I sold my '93 95000m vr6 for £4000 last summer. It was a lovely car but not concours and I actually managed to sell it twice 'cus I nearly cried when the first buyer left. So with half the mileage if its a bit of a beauty then yeah as these guys said I wouldn't take less than £5500-6000!

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Well, time to be honest - I paid 6K for my VR6 (leather) in mint condition with FSH and 36K on the clock if it helps - but I gues I was the "right" buyer they were waiting for, or else pistonheads had very large windows ! If you can wait, and someone who knows what they are looking for comes along, it will be worth it.

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Thanks everybody. The guy who is interested has offered 5k but I shall quote you lot and see if he wants to up his offer ;)

Thanks again.

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