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Charity rolling road day in norwich

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sorry for the short notice guys, but my friend is organising a charity rolling road day in norwich in aid of cancer research.

basic details are 14th may at Clive Atthowes in norwich. £40 for 3 runs with £10 of that going to charity.

for the full details look here: http://www.dubgenerationclub.co.uk/forum/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=9523


If anyone needs anymore info, or wants to come then either let Oscar know through dubgeneration or let me know and I will pass the info on. Again, sorry about the short notice, but he has only just asked me to put it on here and the more support we get the better. If nothing else, just pop down and say hello. I'll be there (if anyone cares!) and there was talk of a bbq I believe.

You don't have to run your car to turn up by the way, like I said, just pop down and say hello, the more the merrier!


Hope to see some of you there!



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Hey matey, can't check that link out without registering but sounds like a great idea!


Which charity is the money going to?


Edit: Cancer Research. My reading skills are leet.

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Sorry mate, yeah it's cancer research. Sorry about the link. Come on guys, any takers at all? Any spectators?

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I should be able to make an appearance as i'll be in Norwich, and about time i got the C rr'd

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Excellent guys! Any support is welcome, doesn't matter if you go on the rollers (you know you want to though!)

I shall pop the address up later. I shall be there about lunch time

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Cheers Rob - yeah I was going to ask the times... you need to be registered on the forum so see the post - can you copy and paste the info over??


We don't need to book then I assume?

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I shall copy and paste when I get back to the office. No one is booked in, but if someone wants to go on the rollers I will put their name on the list so we know who is doing what, then try and sort some sort of order!

The idea is to get as many cars through as possible to get as much money as we can. Should be good.

You could always register on Dubgen, meets in Ipswich aswell for you steve :-)

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I am organising a rolling road day/meet on Saturday 14th May 2011 at Clive Atthowe Tuning, Salhouse Road, Norwich, in aid of Cancer Research. Last Saturday I lost a friend to Cancer and I would like to do my bit for charity again.


We should be able to fit about 35/40 cars on the rollers, we will be looking at £40 per car, this will include two or three runs or until Clive is happy it was an optimum run. You will then receive two print outs like this.


Ten pound of this money will be going towards charity. You will also get a voucher for 15% off your next order at GSF! We will be having trophies for certain categories.


I will be inviting all the local clubs along as I feel it would be great to get everyone together and it will be for a great charity.


We should be having a high spec'd Ultima GTR and a 5.7 V8 550BHP ASCAR making an appearance. We will also have a raffle, food and refreshments.


Would love to see you all there (aircooled and watercooled) even if you don't wish to put your motor on the rollers! I will be putting a list together for people looking to put there motor on the rolling road very soon.


Ozz x



from Dubgen

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Unit 7

175 Salhouse Road,


NR7 9AQ.


If anyone needs any directions or what not pm me and I'll send you my number

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Ok, well put me down for the rollers. I need to go to Thetford and back in the morning so i should be there for about lunchtime.


If its at Clive Atthowe's, the address is:


Unit 7

175 Salhouse Road,


NR7 9AQ.


Hope to see you there!

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beat you to it! I will pop your name down!

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Thank you to pumbaa and supercharged for rocking up. Was a good turn out for a bit of a disorganised event!

£314 for cancer research.

Big thanks to Clive and dan for looking after us

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No probs buddy. Glad to meet a few new forum members. Just a shame the C was under fuelling and I still haven't had a proper power run since carrying out the engine work almost a year ago! Will be giving DG a buzz today.

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No probs buddy. Glad to meet a few new forum members. Just a shame the C was under fuelling and I still haven't had a proper power run since carrying out the engine work almost a year ago! Will be giving DG a buzz today.


Yeah hopefuly Graham will be able to suggest a few things to check... At least they were careful not to run it with it being so lean... quite impressed with that place, very professional setup!


Good to mean you the other day and hope you got back ok!

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Yeah, I might be heading back there for another power run when I get the fuelling sorted.


I got back ok thanks, I just picked the richest rev range on the map and tried to stick to that all the way home. The worrying thing is I've been driving as per usual since the re-map. Here's hoping it's the metering head or fuel pump and it's only happened recently!

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some nice pictures on dubgenerationclub.co.uk now which will be available as prints if anyone is interested. some nice shots of yours on there pumbaa

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