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Is it possible to take out brake servo with the engine in?

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Hi all, I decided to take the engine wiring loom out of my engine bay and wrap it in protectant conduit to match the Audi stuff the engine has. The trouble is it looks much better than the other loom so I'd like to do that one too, but to get that one out I have to take the servo out as it wraps around underneath it.


I've already loosened it off by taking the four nuts off from the inside, until it now clonks against the suspension turret. I was going to undo the vaccum pipe and master cylinder but it looks like a bitch to get back on and so thought I'd ask here first!



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I took mine out a few weeks ago when I swapped the loom for OBD2 and yes the engine was in the car. Inlet manifold etc was removed but I'm not sure any of that makes a deal of difference, it's a pig of a job but it does come past the suspension turret with a bit of wiggling!


Strangely enough it dropped back in without any trouble whatsoever, I then took it out and put it back in again as the loom wasn't quite where it needed to be and both times were a doddle???

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Cool thanks buddy, I'll carry on then! Did you get the vaccum pipe back on ok then?

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