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can i do this

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been thinking since my car isnt running 100% as seems to hit rev limit at about 5500rpm and always starts 2nd time ...my ignition timming looking at distributor is fully advanced against bolt ...surely this is wrong??? its a corrado 9a 16v....can this be adjusted by simply losen bolt and adjust see if makes a difference or would i run the chance of destroying my car....excuse my stupidness...as joiner not mechanic...


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The ignition shouldn't be that far advanced. Is it not pinking like mad?


Like Carrots said, check the cam timing is right, and then get a strobe on it to set the ignition timing properly :)

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Check the crankshaft pulley and bolt. This was one of the symptoms on mine, the key on the pulley had went allowing it too move on the crank. Set the timing to tdc using the marks on the flywheel then have a look at where the mark on the pulley is. It should be spot on. If it's not whip the pulley off and check.

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not had any major work to this car engine wise ....so nothing should of changed...its wierd...as before car was off road would rev to redline and pull like a train...then car went off road for 7 months ...due to lack of cash etc....now spent ££££ on brakes...windscreen..and full service plugs etc etc...and since back on road wont pull past about 5500rpm....so after tinkering about with it and checking it over i did notice the ignition is advanced right round....now car doesnt pink and runs and revs fine just hits limiter at 5500rpm...it is fitted with a KR cam but have no proof just based on previous owners advice and again no idea if previous owner fitted it or was maybe owner before....

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