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where does the water go??!!

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hey people


I know this is a topic there are a number of threads on but none quite answer my question. Im losing coolant on my 1.8 16v i have recently replaced the oil cooler and all major pipes in that area. (expensive rubber!!). Not losing a great amount but enough to annoy me. Now if i take it out and get it really warmed up there are no visible signs whatsoever of water loss, steam etc but if i realease the expansion cap to top up after the car has cooled there is no release of pressure . I have recently nicked an expansion cap off the guy next door who was scrapping his passat because being a tit i left mine off and lost it!! No mayo to be seen. Now the question is the cap most likely to be the cause, will i definatley see the steam realeasing from the cap when the car is hot or could this go unnoticed. If not what am i gonna do!! Im gettin sad cos he seems to be off road almost 1 day in 7. Only100K, but i think maybe a hard 100k nosiy top end and clacky tappets :(


When i say only 100k i mean got to six figures yesterday, dont want to seem like im asking too much its just i have a T25 VW VAN and hes done 220k and never broken down

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I have the same problem with my vr6. I too would like this answered. Think replacing the cap is the solution though.



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buy a new cap... they're not expensive and will answer your question once and for all! ;)


when they leak pressure, you won't see any steam unless you get the engine REALLY hot as they only loose a little bit of pressure (steam) all the time you run your engine so you won't get clouds of it coming out.... :|

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Halfords sell caps, about £3.50. They're just as good as the dealer ones but don't have the numpty "this is hot" diagrams on them. Compare the inner seal of a new one to a used one and you'll see where all the pressure goes!!


You have to be careful when diagnosing the cap.....if it's spitting coolant out as it expands in a traffic jam....that could be the cap's seal on it's way out, but it could also be the cap doing it's job of venting EXCESS pressure.....

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My old VR6 had the problem of the water just going. Sometimes when I took off the cap there would be air bubbling back into the header tank, like back pressure of air...probably do to all the water going :-D. It turned out to be the head gasket. A common fault I am told on early C VR6s, first the top hose goes, then the head gasket, then the heater matrix...usually in that order. Lets hope yours is the cap!

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A common fault I am told on early C VR6s, first the top hose goes, then the head gasket, then the heater matrix...usually in that order. Lets hope yours is the cap!


oh christ!!! :shock: :shock: :shock: I'm not a religious man but i'm praying now. I'm sure tis the old cap. Does look a bit goosed I must admit. Might go and get a new one, like now!





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