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VW/Honda owners animosity???

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I didn't make it to Gaydon on Sat., but my colleague sat right next to me here at work did.


But, he was at the Honda meet, and regularly surfs the Honda Revolutions Forum - where there's a thread running "Aren't Corrados Dog Ugly?" - spurred by the two meets coinciding.


My colleague reckons that the two groups kept their distance from one another on Sat. and this leads me to something else I've noticed, especially it seems on American websites, that there seems to be a certain animosity between the VW & Honda worlds...


what's it all about? :? :? :?



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Everyone's entitled to their opinion. In my opinion Honda's are like tin boxes with good engines. Its Japanese nature to always try and improve things, they have built their economy using this ethos. However their excellent engineering skills comes at a cost, which is visual appearance. Any car Honda (or any other Japanese manufacturer) have designed has looked awfull (that includes the new Civic btw). I think they realise these designer problems thenselves and thats why they try and copy the European car designers.


With all this in mind, would you expect a Honda driver to appreciate an almost visually perfect car from any angle such as the Corrado? No.


So don't worry if a Honda owner disses the way your car looks.... take it as a compliment and say 'thank you'. :D

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its about hondas sucking pure balls and their bitch-ass rice boy drivers being bitter that we drive a car that is fast, looks good, and gets the ladies goin more than their civics ever could regardless of how many plastic body panels, hot air intakes and soup can tips they stick on.


and don't expect them to understand or agree... they bought a HONDA. imagine the mentality!!


fuck you honda owners! :D

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I find it frustrating and childish.


If the Corrado is so crap, why does it continue to get praise heaped on it by motoring magazines like Evo, 14 years after its original launch.


Some of the Hondas that showed up their WERE a bit of a joke - you know the deal, Civic with huge great exhaust pipes, flip paint, and an ICE setup so loud you could hear it echo'ing off the buildings. But no one says anything, and no one looks down on them - if that is the car that they enjoy, then I say great - we are all bound by a common enthusiasm, and we should all just get along for christs sake.


I'd be surprised if owners of the less common cars like the S2000 were poking fun though.. they own similarly uncommon & desirable cars, so they should have a similar mentality. I suspect the comments were not made by them.

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their distance from one another on Sat.


Thought the Gaydon meet was on Sunday?

So yeah, they kept apart by 24 hours... :p

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Thought the Gaydon meet was on Sunday?

So yeah, they kept apart by 24 hours... :p


That's why I wasn't there, got the wrong day :p:p:p




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its about hondas sucking pure balls and their b!tch-ass rice boy drivers being bitter that we drive a car that is fast, looks good, and gets the ladies goin more than their civics ever could regardless of how many plastic body panels, hot air intakes and soup can tips they stick on.


and don't expect them to understand or agree... they bought a HONDA. imagine the mentality!!


**** you honda owners! :D


Wow! :o :shock: :o


Better turn my monitor away from my Honda-driving mate sat right next to me foaming at the mouth then...



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we are all bound by a common enthusiasm, and we should all just get along for christs sake.

I agree with the sentiment above as i have a corrado and a new civic and each have there own merits and if that upsets people tough!

I really can't understand it really :?

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i completely understand hondas from a cheap reliable ride to work standpoint... i'd take one over my beater for that.


its the guys that think they are nice to look at.. or fast at all.. or anything other than an ECONOMY car that i don't understand. its the guys that rev their old school 4hp to CRX redline every open piece of road they get. the guys that cruise through residential streets at 2am poundin the bass.


i know i flew off the handle on my first post, but i'm not going to hide my discontent and it all rings true, if we're talkin about the civic rice boys. do you know how many pictures of mangled civics i've seen with fatalities in the accident??? runnin reds goin 140km/h, smashing into pedestrians. you know how many smashed up bodykits on slammed civics i've seen from them ramming through bumps that any sensible automobile owner would avoid? you know how many trashed 17" rims from not knowing how to park next to a curb?


a cop was killed in toronto a few months ago from a civic runnin a red and t-boning him.. only ontario cop fatality this year so far i believe.


they are idiots. ..and of course, there is exception to every rule.


there are those types of drivers for every make of car i'm sure..but civic owners, as a group, are the worst hands down. ..not that every civic owner is one of them and apologies if i offended someone. i doubt anyone who frequents this forum has much interest in modding a civic. :?

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Well I think the Civic in the USA & Canada, is the equivilant of the Vauxhall Nova here in the UK.. crummy engines, stupid body kits, and the cars getting thrashed and wrecked all the time. Hondas over here are more generally owned by elderly folks - even the Civic. So a well done up one is not that bad.


There were a lot of nice Hondas at Gaydon on Sunday (NSX, some S2000's, loads of Integra Type R's) so I didn't really have a problem with it.

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we don't have vauxhall over here, so i guess that crowd had to find something cheap to destroy! you wouldn't believe how many stoopid civics i see everyday. we have novas but they're chevy muscle from the day when gas wasn't a consideration..saw a nice example yesterday.


integra type r's and nsx's are nice.. not my cup of tea but i'd drive em. S2000s can be realllly nice if they are modded out properly.


..as long as its not a civic! :x geeze..

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Hey, I used to have a Civic VTI, and it was actually a really nice, quick car! It looked great, drove great, and I'm sure if I still had it, I wouldn't have had to spend a anything on it putting it right.


However, it wasn't a Corrado, and although VTEC is great it just couldn't come close to the C for driving experience, or for that matter, looks.


Gotta say, I would consider getting an Integra Type-R in the future.

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andg60, did you find the VTEC all it was cracked up to be then? I only ask as I tested a Civic Type R and was rather underwhelmed when the cam lobes changed over. The salesman enthusiastically told me to plant it in 3rd and hang on when the revs get to 6,500, but not much happened. The engine just got louder and coarser with no appreciable boost in acceleration. Maybe this one was a duffer?



94 VR6

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Just had a quick look at the thread on Honda Revolutions, and most of the replies are very positive towards the C :D . Good to see a couple of us have also posted on there! :twisted:


As Jim said earlier, the Honda vs VW animosity really doesn't happen much here compared to in the States. We've got Novas, Corsas, Fiestas etc to cope with instead.

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Kev, VTEC in the EG VTI was excellent. It was like a completely different car after 5500 revs. It sounded brilliant, and was pretty quick. Downside was it was difficult to keep it in the 'zone', and just got tiring after a while. The steering was also very light and the lack of torque at higher speeds was really annoying. It could beat pretty much anything of the lights, but would really struggle after about 80mph.


A fun car, but wouldn't get one again.

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Hm, I cant find many threads relating to Sunday.. only a couple.


Are all the main ones buried away so that you have to become a member of the forum to see them?

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OK, so I just signed up to make it easier.


Corrado fares pretty well.. a good majority of the Honda guys reckon its a pukka motor :)

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Everyone around me drives a freakin honda. there are very few euro cars around me and i have one of like 5 corrados(that i know of) in the area. my best friend had a honda civic hatch that i helped work to great lengths. I still think my corrado stock is faster, although the transmission gets me every time when i race them. The way their tranny is setup they stay in there power band(so to say) the whole time were as when i shift i don't. thats the only time i have a problem with the hondas but besides that they suck. I hate them b/c it's what everyone has and raves about. I love having a car not many people have. It stands out alot more and gets alot more looks. just read my modo. :D

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Interesting thing I noticed whilst on the "Honda Revoltings" forum was that there are several posts about the "behaviour" of their members at the event, which I must say was a bit iffy with several jap cars "booting" it around the car park (particularly on tw*t in his S2000 that I noticed). It appears that they had some complaints from the staff at Gaydon.


Corrado owners club, not a bad word from the staff.


Does this say something about the general behaviour of the "Honda Generation...?"

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Thought, as a little addition I'd add the following comment from their forum...


"Just becase the VW boys thought it Ok to speed around the exit road that doesn't make it Ok for us!"


There was a couple of Corrados "hooting it around", :mad: so please DO NOT do this again. If you feel the need to speed, kindly don't do it on a museum car-park where there was a number of little kiddies wandering around, and lots of expensive machinery.... :lol:

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Does this say something about the general behaviour of the "Honda Generation...?"


Yup, they're all a bunch of ******s. Nope, thats in the swear filter. ****s? ***s? ********s? ******-*******? ******-******s?


Pah, I give up.... :joker2:

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the hnda generation is all a bunch of mommy/daddy cars so their kidscan be cool. they do no work on their cars themselves. bunch of possers if you ask me. i take pride in doing everything to my car myself and being able to fix anything on the side of the road with the right tools. i have pure hatred for the honda seeen just cause of their attitudes towards everyone else who don't drive a honda. so f*** them. i get so p*ssed off when it come s to this subject b/c i have to deal with it every day since i live on one of the biggest strips in the area. :x :mad:

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